Thomson Reuters Account migration scenarios for multiple applications

Before you begin

The steps required to migrate a Thomson Reuters Account depend on which applications the account needs to use. To use this guide, determine which category your account belongs to and follow the steps for your scenario.
  • Category 1: desktop applications.
    Includes DT FileCabinet and DT Practice.
  • Category 2: portal applications.
    Includes DT Client Portal (for both staff and clients).
If you have multiple Category 2 accounts, you need to create more than one unique Thomson Reuters Account. Read through the step-by-step guidance prior to taking action to determine which account you plan to associate with your primary email address.

Scenario: only need to access products in Category 1

  1. Download and install the latest version of your desktop application.
  2. Sign in to the desktop application with the email address currently associated with your Onvio Centre Thomson Reuters Account. You may already have an established method for two-factor authentication. The system will guide you accordingly.
  3. Repeat steps 1-2 for every additional desktop application.

Scenario: only need to access products in Category 2

If you only have one Category 2 account (either a staff or client account for DT Client Portal):
  1. Enter existing DT Client Portal credentials in the login and password fields, and select
    Upgrade my DT Client Portal login
  2. Enter the email address you want to associate to your Thomson Reuters Account. If you already have a Thomson Reuters Account associated with the email address entered, the system will guide you to step 5.
  3. Follow the on-screen steps to create a Thomson Reuters Account.
  4. Enter your Thomson Reuters Account credentials.
  5. Set up your preferred method for two-factor authentication. If you already have a Thomson Reuters Account associated with the email address entered, you may also have an established method for two-factor authentication. The system will guide you accordingly.
If you have more than one Category 2 account (regardless of the mix and count):
  1. If you have more than one Category 2 account,
    you will need to create a unique Thomson Reuters Account for each
    . If one of the accounts currently uses your primary email as the login, begin by migrating that account first.
  2. Enter existing DT Client Portal credentials in the login and password fields, and select
    Upgrade my DT Client Portal login
  3. Enter the email address you want to associate to your Thomson Reuters Account. If you already have a Thomson Reuters Account associated with the email address entered, the system will guide you to step 6.
  4. Follow the on-screen steps to create a Thomson Reuters Account.
  5. Enter your Thomson Reuters Account credentials.
  6. Set up your preferred method for two-factor authentication. If you already have a Thomson Reuters Account associated with the email address entered, you may also have an established method for two-factor authentication. The system will guide you accordingly.
  7. Sign out of the Thomson Reuters Account associated with this account.
  8. Migrate the next account by accessing again.
  9. Select
    Upgrade my DT Client Portal login
    , and enter existing DT Client Portal credentials in the login and password fields
  10. This account will require a different email address
    . Enter an alternate email address you want to associate this Thomson Reuters Account.
  11. Follow the on-screen steps to create a Thomson Reuters Account.
  12. Enter your Thomson Reuters Account credentials.
  13. Set up your preferred method for two-factor authentication. If you already have a Thomson Reuters Account associated with the email address entered, you may also have an established method for two-factor authentication. The system will guide you accordingly.
  14. Sign out of the Thomson Reuters Account associated with this account.
  15. Repeat steps 9-15 for every additional Category 2 account.

Scenario: need to access products in both Categories 1 AND 2

If you only have one Category 2 account (either a staff or client account for DT Client Portal):
  1. Enter existing DT Client Portal credentials in the DT Client Portal login and password fields, and select
    Upgrade my DT Client Portal login
  2. Enter the email address you want to associate to your Thomson Reuters Account. If you already have a Thomson Reuters Account associated with the email address entered, the system will guide you to step 5.
  3. Follow the on-screen steps to create a Thomson Reuters Account.
  4. Enter your Thomson Reuters Account credentials.
  5. Set up your preferred method for two-factor authentication. If you already have a Thomson Reuters Account associated with the email address entered, you may also have an established method for two-factor authentication. The system will guide you accordingly.
  6. Download and install the latest version of your desktop application.
  7. Sign-in to the desktop application with the email address currently associated with your Thomson Reuters Account.
  8. Repeat steps 7-8 for every additional desktop application.
If you have more than one Category 2 account (regardless of mix and count):
  1. You will need to create a unique Thomson Reuters Account for each Category 2 account. If one of the accounts currently uses your primary email as the login, begin by migrating that account first.
  2. Enter existing DT Client Portal credentials in the DT Client Portal login and password fields, and select
    Upgrade my DT Client Portal login
  3. Enter the email address you want to associate to your Thomson Reuters Account. If you already have a Thomson Reuters Account associated with the email address entered, the system will guide you to step 6.
  4. Follow the on-screen steps to create a Thomson Reuters Account.
  5. Enter your Thomson Reuters Account credentials.
  6. Set up your preferred method for two-factor authentication. If you already have a Thomson Reuters Account associated with the email address entered, you may also have an established method for two-factor authentication. The system will guide you accordingly.
  7. Sign out of the Thomson Reuters Account associated with this account.
  8. Migrate the next account by accessing
  9. Select
    Upgrade my DT Client Portal login
    , and enter existing DT Client Portal credentials in the DT Client Portal login and password fields.
  10. This account will require a different email address
    . Enter the alternate email address you want to associate this Thomson Reuters Account.
  11. Follow the on-screen steps to create a Thomson Reuters Account.
  12. Enter your Thomson Reuters Account credentials.
  13. Set up your preferred method for two-factor authentication. If you already have a Thomson Reuters Account associated with the email address entered, you may also have an established method for two-factor authentication. The system will guide you accordingly.
  14. Sign out of the Thomson Reuters Account associated with this account.
  15. Repeat steps 9-15 for every additional Category 2 account.
  16. Download and install the latest version of your desktop application.
  17. Sign-in to the desktop application with the email address currently associated with your Thomson Reuters Account.
  18. Repeat steps 17-18 for every additional desktop application.