Pay-per-view documents

Canada is an open research service. You can access documents outside of your subscription for an additional pay-per-view fee.
Pay-per-view charges apply for any documents opened outside of your subscription plan. You'll be charged and invoiced for accessing this content. However, warnings appear before you display any document, allowing you to cancel the transaction.
When you run a search, documents in your search results list outside of your subscription plan will display with
Out of Plan
If you select a document that's outside of your subscription, you'll receive a message that tells you that the document is out of your subscription plan. If you select
View Document
you'll be charged the pay-per-view amount. You can select
if you don't want to open the document.
To find out what you'll be charged to open a pay-per-view document, select
Pricing Guide
to display a rate table.
You can open your documents within Westlaw as many times as you wish until the end of the day without incurring additional pay-per-view charges. You can open documents saved to folders an unlimited number of times for up to 1 year without additional charges (except for legal memos, which can be opened up to 5 times).

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