KeyCite flags and icons for cases

Red flag
A red flag warns that the case may not be good law, indicating that the decision has been reversed, overruled, or hasn't been followed within the same jurisdiction or by the Supreme Court of Canada.
Yellow flag
A yellow flag warns that the decision has some negative history (varied, leave to appeal allowed or reconsideration/rehearing granted) or treatment, but hasn't been reversed or overruled. A yellow flag is also displayed if a treatment has been recently added and hasn't yet been editorially analyzed.
Blue H
A blue H indicates that the decision has some history (including related proceedings, where applicable).
Green C
A green C indicates that the decision has no history, but there are treating cases or other citing references to the decision.
KeyCite Overruling Risk icon
An orange caution icon (KeyCite Overruling Risk) indicates when a point of law in a case has been implicitly undermined due to its reliance on a directly overruled or otherwise invalid prior decision.
Most recent negative treatment icon
The most recent negative treatment is included next to the flag displayed for the case and links to the underlying document.
Powered by KeyCite Canada icon
Select the Powered by KeyCite Canada logo for more information about the case.
Associated memoranda
Indicates that the case has associated legal memoranda.
Associated motions, facta, or pleadings
Indicates that the case has associated motions, facts, or pleadings.

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