Error in template iXBRL detailed profit and loss account within FRS 102 client in Accounts Production Advanced

We've resolved this problem in the latest FRS 102 template update. To ensure you are on the latest version and the fix has pulled through, follow these steps:
  1. Sign in to Accounts Production Advanced as
  2. Select the
    Template Entities
  3. You should have a master client in the list called
    Practice UK FRS 102 Master
    , which needs to be on at least version
  4. If the record is on less than version 13,  select
    Content Downloads
     to update your master client to the latest template.
    If the record is not in the list, contact Support.
  5. Open the entity and enter the password when prompted (the default password is 'DoNotDelete').
  6. Run the report within the
    tab you are working on within your client (for example, FRS 102 Section 1a Small Entities).
  7. Find the following elements in the
    Report Structure
    • FRS 102 Section 1A Small Entities Financial Statements.
    • iXBRL detailed profit and loss account.
  8. If any of these two elements are in bold, right-click them and select
    Revert To Template
    from the context menu.
  9. Select
    Financial Period Template
    , then
    Publish Current Period as a Template.
  10. Select
    to both questions when the application asks you to republish the master client.
  11. Open all FRS 102 clients in your database and select the
  12. Once you've updated the client to the latest version,  rerun the client report.
  13. If any of the Report Structure elements described in step 7 are in bold, right-click them, then select
    Revert to Template
    from the context menu.