Error: Red text shows differences to correct in Accounts Production Advanced


You may notice that dividends are shown in red text in Accounts Production Advanced.


The likely cause of this error is a difference between the Dividend codes which have been posted to and the Dividends disclosure which has been entered. 
For example, The Dividend code, posted to Final Dividend, is not consistent with the Dividend Disclosure entered. The value posted to the nominal code may not be exactly the same as the figure entered into the disclosure. This could happen if the nominal code is posted to in pounds and pence, and the disclosure is round pounds or vice versa.


To resolve the error, you need to make the postings to dividend codes and disclosures consistent either to Interim Dividend or to Final Dividend.
  1. Go to
    Import/Account assignment
    Account Assignment Master Maintenance.
  2. Change the category structure from
    Changes in Equity
    and expand the folders.
  3. To avoid errors in the report, make sure the nominal code posting matches the disclosure posting exactly.