DAPA - UK FRS 102 Micro Entities report’s related party transactions figures not showing post upgrade to version 28

The UK FRS 105 micro entity accounts note, transactions with directors, and templates don't display the figures as entered in the disclosures tab, directors’ advances, credits and guarantees. Follow these steps to ensure that the figures display as required. This issue will be addressed in an upcoming template release.
  1. Run the FRS 105 report.
  2. Go to the table in the report that isn't displaying the figures.
  3. Right-click on the table and select
    Highlight in report structure
    . This will highlight the template in the report structure tree next to the report.
  4. Select the following link that matches the name of the template highlighted in step 3. This will download the replacement XML for the template.
  5. Open the downloaded XML file.
  6. Copy the entire content of the XML file.
  7. Within the DAPA report structure, right-click on the highlighted template that corresponds to the table with missing figures. Select
    from the context menu to open the element's properties window.
  8. In the element properties window, go to the
    XML Source
  9. Delete the contents of the XML source tab.
  10. Paste the replacement XML code from the downloaded file.
  11. Select
    to save the changes and update the report.
  12. Review the report to make sure it displays correctly.
    If the report includes a comparative period that needs the same correction, repeat the previous steps for each relevant element in the report structure.