Collaborate Files panel

This panel allows you to choose files from Collaborate that are then shown in the Publisher dashboard.
To add the
Collaborate Files
panel to the dashboard, select
Add panel
In the
Add files
screen, select
Collaborate files
from the
In the
Add panel
screen, you will have access to the following fields:
  • Panel
    - You can select a different panel from this drop-down menu.
  • Title
    - Enter the title of the panel. You can hide the title by selecting the Hide title checkbox.
  • Instance
    (required) - Select the instance you want to display the file(s) from.
  • Site
    (required) - Select the site in the instance you want to display the file(s) from..
  • Folder
    (required) - Select the folder in the site and instance you want to display the file(s) from. As of our September 2023 release, you can also select smart folders, giving you greater control over the content you can surface from Collaborate and giving you more options on how to display content:
  • Order by
    - You can select the order in which the files will be displayed. You have the option of either Recently updated or Alphabetical..
  • Display
    - Here, you can select whether you want the following information displayed: File icons, File size, Author, Modified date, Folder path, and whether you want it to link to the collaborate site.
  • Text for link to Collaborate Site
    - If you have selected
    Link to collaborate site
    , you can enter the link to the collaborate site.
  • No of items to display
    - This is the number of items that will be displayed in the panel..
  • Open link in
    - Select whether you want the new link to be opened in a new window as a pop-up, or the existing window.
  • Display in
    - Select whether you want to display panel on all devices, or just desktop/tablet.
  • Panel class
    - This field allows you to apply custom designs using CSS. This is for advanced users
Once you have entered these details, if there is information to be displayed, it will show in the new panel:

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