Content list panel

The content within a dashboard is created by adding panels, and it is possible to add any number of panels to the dashboard. Below is an example of what the content list panel can look like on a dashboard:
Please note that as of our September 2023 release, content lists now remember what page you were on as you are browsing. This means if you select a piece of content from a content list and then return to the page after viewing the piece of content, it will remember which page you were initially viewing
Please note that we have improved Publisher filters to remember user defined filter selections when reviewing articles. This means that when a user filters to view certain content, after browsing for and viewing an article and then returning to the previous page, the filter selection will be saved. Additionally, as of our September 2023 release, we have added a 'Clear filter' button for users to quickly and effectively clear any filters they have added and return to the standard content view.
Content list
- The content list panel gives the user the ability to show a list of published content
  • Panel
    - You can select a different panel from this drop-down menu.
  • Title
    - Enter the title of the panel. You can hide the title by selecting the
    Hide title
    checkbox. Additionally, you can hide the RSS icon by selecting the
    Hide RSS icon
  • Layout
    - Here you can choose the layout of your panel, including whether to display the title only, title and icon, title and small thumbnail, title and medium thumbnail, title and wide thumbnail, title and small metadata image and title and small metadata image table.
  • Content Type
    - Select whether you want dynamic content or static content. Dynamic content changes with the metadata, static content must be chosen and stays the same.
  • Default display
    - Select how you want the content displayed by default. You have the choice from either most recent, most viewed and alphabetically. Select the
    Show tabs
    checkbox to show relevant tabs.
  • Content source
    - Select
    to choose the modules you wish to display. You can select to pick one module or multiple modules. Also, you can filter the content further via the Metadata. For example, if you had one module for all content but use metadata to define more specific pieces of content. (Please see the above screenshot.)
  • Show content source
    - Select this checkbox to show the content source.
  • Show read time
    - Select this checkbox to show the read time.
  • Show author name
    - Select this checkbox to show the author name.
  • Show author organisation
    - Select this checkbox to show the author organisation.
  • Show author organisation image
    - Select this checkbox to show the author organisation image.
  • No of items to display
    - Enter how many items you want to display.
  • Total no of items
    - This is your overall total number of items. This allows you to display more items than the selected number above, but they are paginated.
  • Summary
    - Select whether you want no summary, a short (200 character) summary or a full summary.
  • Filters
    - Select
    to add filters to the panel. A new box will be displayed, asking you to choose your filter alignment. The filters are the metadata nodes you have tagged the content on. Only the tags that have content underneath will be shown.
  • Dates
    - Select the checkbox to use the development date in place of the published date, where possible.
  • Display in
    - Select whether you want to display panel on all devices, or just desktop/tablet.
  • Panel class
    - This field allows you to apply custom designs using CSS. This is for advanced users.
  • Respect user dashboard preferences
    - Select this checkbox to ensure your content respects a user's dashboard preferences. These preferences are chosen within the
    My Preferences
  • Respect channel settings
    - Select this checkbox to ensure your content respects channel settings. A channel admin can select specific metadata to limit the channel content to.
If you have selected
Static content
You must add content by clicking
and choosing the content. Once content is added, you can drag and drop each item to change the order of the list.
Please note that the
Show tabs
check box within the
Add panel
screen opens for medium thumbnails and the automation of pagination for Medium thumbnail content lists is standard

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