Event panel

The content in a dashboard is created by adding panels, and it is possible to add any number of panels to the dashboard.
- The event panel gives you the option to include events published in an event module in the form of a calendar icon
to display the following screen:
  • Panel
    - You can select a different panel from this drop-down menu
  • Title
    - Enter the title of the panel. You can hide the title by selecting the
    Hide title
  • Content source
    - Select the content source:
    • If you select
      iCal feed
      , you must enter the iCal feed URL in the new field that is displayed
    • If you select
      , select
      and select the relevant
      Event Module
      as your content source
    • You can filter the content further via the Event Metadata e.g. if you had one module for all Events but use metadata to define more specific things
  • Layout
    - You can choose the layout of your panel, including whether to display the calendar, the title only, title and icon, title and small thumbnail or the title and medium thumbnail
  • Default display
    - This drop-down allows you to select what is displayed by default. Select from: upcoming events, all events, my events or past events
  • Display in
    - Select whether you want to display panel on all devices, or just desktop/tablet
  • Panel class
    - This field allows you to apply custom designs using CSS. This is for advanced users
  • Respect user dashboard preferences
    - Select this checkbox to ensure your content respects a user's dashboard preferences
  • Respect channel settings
    - Select this checkbox to ensure your content respects channel settings

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