People panel

The content in a dashboard is created by adding panels, and it is possible to add any number of panels to the dashboard.
- This panel gives you the ability to provide client contacts or manual contacts.
This can be used to highlight certain users that are key contacts for specific organisations set up or even just a list of users that might update the content on the page you are adding the panel too.
  • Panel
    - You can select a different panel from this drop-down menu.
  • Title
    - Enter the title of the panel. You can hide the title by selecting the Hide title checkbox.
  • People source
    - Select the source for the panel.
    • This can be either client contacts or manual contacts. If you select manual contacts a new
      Search contact
      field is displayed, where you need to enter the source..
    • If you select client contacts, if the client is set up in the system, depending on their organisation, they will see a different contact here when they log in..
  • No of items to display
    - Enter how many items you want to display.
  • Image layout
    - Select whether you want the image displayed in profile or landscape.
  • Display in
    - Select whether you want to display panel on all devices, or just desktop/tablet.
  • Panel class
    - This field allows you to apply custom designs using CSS. This is for advanced users.

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