Slider panel

The content within a dashboard is created by adding panels, and it is possible to add any number of panels to the dashboard.
- The slider panel enables you to add a 'slider' to your page. This is similar to a carousel on a site and enables you to cycle through images.
displays the following screen:
  • Panel
    - You can select a different panel from this drop-down menu.
  • Title
    - Enter the title of the panel. You can hide the title by selecting the
    title checkbox..
  • Default display
    - Select whether the default display is the most recent, or the most viewed.
  • Content source
    - Select the source of your content..
  • Show content source
    - Select the checkbox to display the source of your content. You can select either one or multiple modules.
    • You can filter the content further via the Metadata e.g. if you had one module for all content but use metadata to define more specific things
  • Show read time
    - Select the checkbox to display the read-time
  • Show metadata labels
    - As of our June 2023 release, you can select whether you want to show metadata labels within your slider panel. For example:
  • No of items to display
    - Enter how many items you want to display.
  • Summary
    - Select whether you want no summary, a short (200 character) summary or a full summary.
  • Filters
    - Select
    to add filters to the panel. A new box will be displayed, asking you to choose your filter alignment. The filters are the metadata nodes you have tagged the content on. Only the tags that have content under will be displayed.
  • Display in
    - Select whether you want to display panel on all devices, or desktop/tablet only.
  • Panel class
    - This field allows you to apply custom designs using CSS. This is for advanced users.

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