Twitter/X feed panel

The content within a dashboard is created by adding panels, and it is possible to add any number of panels to the dashboard.
Twitter feed
- The twitter feed panel gives the user the ability to add a twitter account feed.
Setting up the twitter feed
Using the Twitter account that you want to display in publisher, you need to log into
Once you are logged in, select
Apply for a developer account
Apply for a developer account
screen is displayed:
Fill in the all of the required details and select
You and your organisation will be accountable for answering these questions, but we have included some sample answers that you could use when going through this application process.
Account details
Who are you requesting access for? If you are adding this for a company, it is highly likely that this for your organisation. Enter the details about the Organisation.
Use Case Details
What use case(s) are you interested in? you could, for example, tick '
Consumer / end-user experience
' here.
You need to describe in your own words what you are building:
  1. What is the core use case, intent, or purpose of the Twitter's APIs? I am using Twitter's APIs to add to a CMS system, which provides gated and/or public content. Twitter Panels are included to drive a user to see/share/access twitter content. The core use case is to service the twitter timeline on a webpage for users to view/see/share/access.
  2. Do you intend to analyze Tweets, Twitter users or their content? If so, share details about the analyses you plan to conduct and the methods or techniques you plan to use. Not applicable. There is no intention to analyse, but just surface the exact same tweets on a webpage.
  3. Does your use case involve Tweeting, Retweeting, or liking content? If so, share how you will interact with Twitter users or their content. Not applicable. It does not involve Tweeting, Retweeting or Liking. The user will be directed back to Twitter to do each of these functions. This use is merely to show a timeline on a webpage.
  4. How will Twitter data be displayed to the users of your solution? If you plan to display Twitter content off of Twitter, explain how and where Tweets and Twitter content will be displayed to these users. Will individual Tweets and Twitter content be displayed, or will information about Tweets or Twitter content be displayed in aggregate? To add to a CMS system which provides content and or public content. Twitter Panels are included to drive a user to see/share/access twitter content. The core use case is to service the twitter timeline on a webpage for users to view/see/share/access. Recent tweets from an individual are surfaced on a webpage. The full tweet will be displayed in a panel of a webpage in a CMS system the data will not be aggregated or modified in any way.
  5. Will your product, service or analysis make Twitter content or derived information available to a government entity? No.
Terms of Service
Ensure you read through the terms of service:
Email Verification
Ensure that you complete the email verification.
Once this has been accepted, you can then add apps via the following address:
Add in the details required, making sure that the:
  • Website URL is set to
  • Callbacks URL is set to
    where 'instanceurl' is your context name.
Finally, click the
Keys and tokens
We have hidden details in the screenshot as they are personal to your specific account:
From this screen, you need to copy the
Consumer Key (API Key)
and the
Consumer Secret (API Secret)
and either send that information to HighQ Support to get it set up, or you can add the information into the
Custom API
fields within the
Add panel
Add panel
Once HighQ support has sent confirmation, you can then add the Twitter feed as a panel:
  • Panel
    - You can select a different panel from this drop-down menu.
  • Title
    - Enter the title of the panel. You can hide the title by selecting the
    Hide title
  • Custom API settings
    - Select this checkbox in order to display the
    Twitter API Key
    Twitter API Secret
    fields in order to set up a custom Twitter Feed panel.
  • Twitter API Key
    - This will be the API Key provided by Twitter.
  • Twitter API Secret
    - This will be the API Secret provided by Twitter.
  • Sign in with Twitter
    - Select
    Sign in with Twitter
    to give publisher authorisation to your account..
  • Feed refresh time
    - Enter the time (in seconds) for how often you want your feed to refresh.
  • No of items to display
    - Enter how many items you want to display.
  • Show
    - Select the relevant checkbox to show either the profile image, reply link, retweet link or favourite link.
  • Display in
    - Select whether you want to display panel on all devices, or desktop/tablet only.
  • Panel class
    - This field allows you to apply custom designs using CSS. This is for advanced users.

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