Auto-reverse journal entries for the next period

You can set up an auto-reversing a journal entry for the next period on the
Enter Transactions
screen. For example, enter the original transaction in the 01/31/XXXX Posting Period. Once you advance the Posting Period to 02/29/XXX, a reversing entry will automatically appear.
  • Deleting the original journal entry automatically deletes the reversing entry.
  • You can't directly delete a reversing entry. To remove it:
    • Unmark the
      Auto-reverse next period
      checkbox and select
      , or
    • Delete the original journal entry.
  • You'll need to set up auto-reversing for each transaction individually. There's no option to reverse all journal entries automatically every period.
  • You can't auto-reverse transactions with an AA99 reference. The system creates these transactions when:
    • Manually entering amounts on the
      Enter Trial Balance
      screen, or
    • Importing a spreadsheet with balances.


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