Set up transaction templates

You can set up transaction templates that contain default information for journal entry, deposit, check, AP check, payment, or AP payment transactions. When the application creates transactions from a template, it automatically enters the information saved in the template in the fields of the transaction record.
  1. Select
    Transaction Templates
    , then select the client.
  2. Select the transaction type from the dropdown in
    , then the
    Transaction Detail
    section. Then enter the remaining information based on your selection.
  3. Enter the following for check or AP check:
    • Bank account –
      Select or add the default bank account to use for checks created from this template. The dropdown includes all active bank accounts set up for this client in the
      Bank Accounts
    • Journal –
      Select or add the default journal to use for checks created from this template. The dropdown includes all journals created for this client in the
    • Handwritten/Check # –
      If this is a handwritten check, mark this checkbox to enable the field where you can optionally include a check number. If not, the field isn't available, and this will be an unprinted check template.
    • Vendor ID –
      Select or add the default vendor to use for checks created from this template. The dropdown includes all vendors created for this client in the
    • Description –
      If you select a vendor ID, the application automatically enters the vendor name here. To create a template for a payee without creating a vendor record, enter the payee's name in this field.
    • Amount –
      Enter the default check amount.
  4. Enter the following for Deposit:
    • Bank account –
      Select or add the default bank account to use for deposits created from this template. The dropdown includes all active bank accounts set up for this client in the
      Bank Accounts
    • Journal –
      Select or add the default journal to use for deposits created from this template. The dropdown includes all journals created for this client in the
    • Reference –
      Enter the default reference to use for deposits created from this template.
    • Description –
      Enter the default description to use for deposits created from this template.
    • Amount –
      Enter the default deposit amount.
  5. Enter the following for a Journal entry:
    • Subtype –
      Select the default subtype to use for journal entries created from this template.
      • Adjusting –
        to post entries to unadjusted balances so that they become part of the adjusted trial balance, to correct an error in recorded sales, or to set up prepaid expenses.
      • Eliminating –
        to calculate adjusted balances for the client in a consolidated primary client, similar to an Adjusting journal entry for a regular client.
      • Other –
        to prepare financial statements on another comprehensive basis of accounting to combine with the adjusting trial balance to create the other basis trial balance.
      • Potential –
        to record journal entries that you may need later. You can convert Potential journal entries to any other journal entry type.
      • Reclassifying –
        to change the classification for financial statement purposes. Many firms use reclassifying journal entries to move amounts from 1 GL account to another. However, in Accounting CS, you can use it for any purpose. By default, reclassifying journal entries affect only the Report, Tax, and Other balance. But you can change this in the
        then the
        Balance Definitions
      • Regular
      • Tax Adjustment –
        to change the presentation of account balances to comply with taxing authority rules. The tax adjustment subtype doesn't transfer to the General Ledger and doesn’t transfer forward from 1 period to the next. The adjusted balance transfers forward each period and becomes the unadjusted balance for the next period.
    • Journal –
      Select or add the journal to use for journal entries created from this template. The dropdown includes all journals created for this client in the
    • Reference –
      Enter the default reference to use for journal entries created from this template.
    • Description –
      Enter the default description to use for journal entries created from this template.
    • Auto-reverse next period –
      (For Adjusting and Regular subtypes) Mark this checkbox to have the application reverse the journal entry when you go to the next posting period.
    • WP reference –
      (For Adjusting, Other, Potential, Reclassifying, and Tax adjustment subtypes) Enter the default workpaper reference number to use for journal entries created from this template.
    • Difference –
      (For Other, Reclassifying, and Tax adjustment subtypes) Select the default difference type –
      – to use for journal entries created from this template.
    • Misstatement –
      (For Potential subtypes) Select the default misstatement type –
      Known classification
      Known misstatement
      Projected classification
      , or
      Projected misstatement
      – to use for journal entries created from this template.
  6. Enter the following for payment or AP payment:
    • Bank account –
      Select or add the default bank account to use for payments created from this template. The dropdown includes all active bank accounts set up for this client in the
      Bank Accounts
    • Journal –
      Select or add on the fly the default journal to use for payments created from this template. The dropdown includes all journals created for this client in the
    • Reference –
      Enter the default reference to use for payments created from this template.
    • Vendor ID –
      Select or add the default vendor to use for payments created from this template. The dropdown includes all vendors created for this client in the
    • Description –
      If you select a vendor ID, the application automatically enters the vendor name in this field. To create a template for a payee without creating a vendor record, enter the payee's name in this field.
    • Amount –
      Enter the default payment amount.
  7. Enter information in each of the following tabbed pages, based on the transaction type selected.
    • Template tab (for all transaction types)
    • Calculation tab (for automatic journal entries)
    • Calculation tab (for accountants only)
    • Distributions tab (for all transaction types)
    • Details tab (for deposit templates)
    • Schedule tab (for scheduled deposit, payment, and check templates)
  8. Select
    to save the template.
You can now find the template in the
field in the
Enter Transactions


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