Use transaction templates to create transactions

You can create on-demand transaction templates in the
Transaction Template
screen. Use them anytime to generate transactions in Accounting CS. The system uses the information in the template record as default information for the transaction.
  1. Select
    , then
    Enter Transactions
  2. Select the transaction
    in the Transaction Detail section.
  3. Select
    1. The dropdown shows on-demand transaction templates of the same type, as set up in
      , then
      Transaction Templates
  4. Fill in blank fields or change information entered from the template record.
  5. Enter data to complete the transaction record in each of the fields and tabbed pages:
    • Distributions tab
      : Distribute the transaction to one or more GL accounts. Ensure the sum of the distribution amounts equals zero for journal entry transactions.
    • Details tab (for deposit transactions only)
      • Enter the details to split the deposit for records and bank account reconciliation. Example: Record individual items or amounts by payment type (cash, check, credit card).
      • Marking the
        Split out deposit details
        checkbox in
        Enter Deposits
        specifies which AR deposit details show.
      • When marking the checkbox, the grid displays rows for each check, card payment, combined cash, and cash back.
      • Unmarking the checkbox combines all payments and cash back into 1 grid entry, showing the net deposit amount.
    • Notes tab
      : Enter miscellaneous information about the transaction that may be helpful when reviewing the transaction.
    • Events tab
      : This tab shows when staff added the transaction and identifies who added it.
  6. Select
    to save the transaction.


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