Set options in the
Enter Batch Payroll Checks

For live payroll processing only
Use this window to customize and save payroll check data entry options, per client per payroll schedule, in the
Enter Batch Payroll Checks
Enter Batch Payroll Checks
, then


  • Identification
    Payroll schedule
    : Select the payroll schedule for which you would like to customize data-entry options. All the other fields in the window are inactive until you select a payroll schedule.
  • Data Entry Defaults
    Use the fields in this section to specify the default selections to be used for this payroll schedule in the Enter Batch Payroll Checks screen.
    Bank account
    : Select a default bank account for this payroll schedule. If you leave this field blank, the application uses the 1st active bank account listed alphabetically for the client.
    Primary sort order
    : Select the default sort order with which to display employee information in the
    tab and
    tab of the Enter Batch Payroll Checks screen for this payroll schedule. The field defaults to
    Employee ID
    , but you can also sort by
    Employee name
    (based on the employees' last names), or
    . You can sort in ascending or descending order.
    Secondary sort order
    : This field is available only if the Primary sort order is set to
    . When active, the field defaults to
    Employee ID
    but you can also sort by
    Employee name
    based on employees' last names. You can sort in ascending or descending order.
  • Payroll Item Exclusions
    Use this section to specify that certain payroll items be excluded from batch payroll checks associated with the selected payroll schedule.
    This section is not available if the Time Entry Method for the selected payroll schedule is
    : Options in the dropdown list are None and Selected. None is selected by default in the dropdown list. To select pay items to exclude for the payroll schedule, choose
    , then select the Ellipsis button . In the
    Pay Exclusions
    window, mark the checkboxes for pay items to exclude.
    : Options in the dropdown list are
    , and
    . Selecting
    will cause the application to automatically exclude all newly-added deduction items from the payroll schedule. To exclude specific deduction items from the payroll schedule, choose
    , then select the Ellipsis button . In the
    Deductions Exclusions
    window, mark the checkboxes for deduction items to exclude.
    Employer Contributions
    : Options in the dropdown list are
    , and
    . Selecting
    will cause the application to automatically exclude all newly-added employer contribution items from the payroll schedule. To exclude specific employer contribution items from the payroll schedule, choose
    , then select the Ellipsis button . In the
    Employer Contribution Exclusions
    window, mark the checkboxes for employer contribution items to exclude.
  • Settings
    Mark the checkboxes in this section to override some of the application's default behavior within the
    Enter Batch Payroll Checks
    screen for the selected payroll schedule.
    Suppress GL account verification
    : Mark this checkbox if you don't want the application to alert you when you save checks for which GL accounts are missing for one or more distributions.
    Suppress benefit accrual verification
    : Mark this checkbox if you don't want the application to alert you when the number of accruable benefit hours used on a payroll check exceeds the accruable benefit hours available for the employee, or when the number of accruable benefit hours used on a payroll check exceeds the usage limit assigned to the employee.
    Convert hours to decimal
    : Mark this checkbox to have the application accept work hours that were entered as hours and minutes in the
    Enter Batch Payroll Checks
    screen and convert them automatically to the decimal equivalent.
    • This option works for manual time entry only, and won’t work in any import process, such as spreadsheet import, timesheet import, or remote payroll, etc.
    • The application doesn’t assume any trailing zeros when you enter the minutes, so it interprets 0.3 as 3 minutes and 0.30 as 30 minutes.
    • 30.15 (30 hours and 15 minutes) converts to 30.25.
    • 30.75 (30 hours and 75 minutes) converts to 31.25.
    • 30.3 (30 hours and 3 minutes) converts to 30.05.
    • 30.30 (30 hours and 30 minutes) converts to 30.5.
    Use alternate direct deposit allocation
    : Mark this checkbox to have the application will create ACH transactions using the allocations that are specified in the employee's
    Direct Deposit Allocation grid, rather than those in the Direct Deposit Allocation grid.
    Display taxes that have zero wages and amounts
    : Mark this checkbox to have the application display tax items in the
    Enter Batch Payroll Checks
    screen even if they have zero taxable wages and zero tax amounts. By default, check entry screens don’t display tax items that haven’t yet reached the threshold required to begin calculating (such as the Additional Medicare Tax item) nor tax items that have exceeded their limits (such as FICA-SS, FUTA, or SUI). So, if this checkbox is not marked, no tax information is displayed in the
    Enter Batch Payroll Checks
    screen for this employee until you enter taxable wages for that employee.
    Prompt if prior batch is not processed
    : Mark this checkbox to be prompted in the
    , then
    Enter Batch Payroll Checks
    screen when the prior payroll batch for the selected payroll schedule has a status of
    Not Processed
    . You will then be able to choose whether to process the current payroll batch or the batch immediately prior.
  • Columns to Hide
    Mark the checkboxes in this section to hide columns in the
    tab of the
    Enter Batch Payroll Checks
    screen for this payroll schedule.
    • When you mark a checkbox in this section, the application hides all associated columns in the
      tab, regardless of how the columns are set up in the Rapid Tab Grid Column Setup section. So, marking the
      Overtime hours
      checkbox hides the overtime columns for all payroll items in the
    • Marking these checkboxes doesn't affect the columns that display in the
      tab of the
      Enter Batch Payroll Checks
    • You can't mark both the
      Employee ID
      Employee Name
      checkbox. Marking one will clear the other.
  • Rapid Tab Grid Column Setup
    Use the fields and grid in this section to choose the columns and fields to be displayed in the
    tab as well as the order in which they are displayed. By default, the
    Display all pay items
    option is selected. To begin customizing the
    tab columns, choose the
    Display selected payroll items
    • Use the standard grid control buttons to move or delete rows in the grid.
    • During payroll check entry, the
      Enter Batch Payroll Checks
      screen will display the columns and fields associated with a payroll item only if that payroll item is active for at least 1 employee in the batch.
    • If you have marked a checkbox in the Columns to Hide section, the application hides all associated columns in the
      tab, regardless of how you have set up the Rapid Tab Grid Column Setup grid. So, marking the
      Overtime hours
      checkbox in the Columns to Hide section hides the overtime columns for all payroll items in the
    • The
      tab is not affected by the selections you make in the Rapid Tab Grid Column Setup grid. All payroll items being used by employees and all their applicable columns are displayed on the
      tab, regardless of your choices.


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