Enter Transactions screen

Use this screen to record journal entries and bank account transactions. When you save a transaction, the application immediately posts it to the proper accounts.

About the Enter Transactions screen

  1. Select
    and then
    Enter Transactions
The transactions included in the Transactions list depend on the data-entry mode selected for the client, and it may include transactions created from other parts of the application, including:
  • Accounts payable processing:  AP checks and payments created in the
    Manage Payments
  • Accounts receivable processing: AR deposits in the
    Enter Deposits
  • Live payroll processing: Payroll checks created in the
    Enter Batch Payroll Checks
  • Transactions imported from the client's financial institution through the
    Bank Feeds Dashboard
  • You can customize this screen by specifying options in the
    Enter Transactions Options
    dialog that make transaction entry faster and more efficient while also letting you to match data-entry behavior with your preferred workflow.
  • You can use the
    Journal mode
    button and the
    Bank Account mode
    button to switch between modes, without having to open the
    Enter Transactions Options

Print a single unprinted check or single deposit slip

You can print a single unprinted check (payroll, regular, or AP) or a single deposit slip (regular or AR) from the
Enter Transactions
Use any of the following methods:
  • Select
    , and then
    Print Current Check
    Print Current Deposit Slip
  • Press CTRL + P (for checks) or CTRL + D (for deposits)
  • Select the
    Print Current Check
    Print Current Deposit Slip
    button on the toolbar
The application opens the Print dialog, where you can select print options for the selected check or deposit slip.

Transaction types

The fields and tabbed pages in the Enter Transactions screen change dynamically as you select different transaction types. The following are the transaction types:
  • AP checks
  • AP payments
  • Checks
  • Check summary memos
  • Journal entries
  • Payments
  • Payroll checks
  • Proxy transactions

Fields and buttons

Transactions list

The Transactions list displays information for all transactions for the selected journal and posting period or for the selected bank account, depending on the data-entry method selected for the client in the Enter Transactions Options dialog.
  • You can unlock and resize this frame and also dock it in other locations on the screen or on another monitor. To move the list back, double-click the title bar. To move it to the last location, double-click the title bar again.
  • You can limit the number of transactions displayed by selecting a primary filter, and you can further limit the number of transactions by applying a common filter.
  • To sort any of the items in the transaction grid, select the column headings for that item.
  • To display the running balance in the Balance column (when the Bank Account method is selected in the Enter Transactions Options dialog), you'll need to sort the transactions by date and remove any searching or filtering criteria that may eliminate bank transactions. If your security permissions don’t let you to view specific transaction types, the application won’t display the running balance.

Transaction detail

The fields and tabbed pages displayed in the Transaction Detail section vary depending on the transaction type selected.
The grid in the Distributions tab includes an Account Description column. When you select a GL account, the application automatically enters the GL account description (as entered in the
Chart of Accounts
screen) in this column, and you can't modify that description. You can, however, enter a different description for the distribution in the Description column.
When you pressTab (or Enter, if you marked the
Use Enter key to move between fields
checkbox in the System tab of the User Preferences) in the
, and
fields, the application automatically enters the data in those fields from the last saved transaction. If you don’t want to repeat the information from the last saved transaction, you can enter or select new information, press CTRL + Spacebar on your keyboard to leave the field blank and move to the next field, or disable the auto-filling behavior by marking the
Do not auto-fill values from previous transaction
checkbox in the Enter Transactions Options dialog.
The application automatically uses the date from the last saved transaction for subsequent transactions, but you can override that date as necessary.
  • Type:
    select the transaction type.
  • Bank Account:
    For bank account transactions, select the bank account or enter a unique description to add an account on the fly. The dropdown list for this field includes all active bank accounts set up in the Bank Accounts screen.
  • Subtype:
    select the journal entry subtype. For a standard client, the dropdown list for this field includes Adjusting, Other, Potential, Reclassifying, and Tax Adjustment. For a consolidated master client, the dropdown list for this field includes Eliminating, Potential, and Tax Adjustment.
  • Journal:
    select the journal or enter a unique description to add a journal on the fly. The dropdown list for this field includes all journals set up in the Journals screen.
  • Posting Period:
    select the posting period. The dropdown list for this field includes dates that are entered or automatically created by the application in the Period End Dates dialog (accessed by selecting the
    Edit Dates
    button in the Accounting Information tab of the Clients screen).

Status bar

The status bar within the Transaction Detail section provides easy access to important information about the highlighted transaction and certain calculations that include all transactions in the list.
  • Transaction status:
    Displays the status of the current transaction — Printed, Unprinted, Handwritten, Voided, Deleted, Reversed, Reversal, Historical check, Cleared on <date>, and Partially cleared on <date>.
  • Source:
    Displays the original source of the transaction.
    If you enabled the Accounting CS Client Access service for the current client, the application includes a “Firm” notation for transactions that originated in Accounting CS and a “Client” notation for transactions that originated in Accounting CS Client Access.
Bank account reconciliation
QuickBooks import
Bank Feeds Import
QuickBooks Online import
CSA conversion
Spreadsheet import
Data entry
Remote Payroll
Fixed Assets CS import
Time clock import
Practice CS import
Transaction template
  • Bank reconciliation status:
    Indicates if this transaction has been cleared or partially cleared through bank account reconciliation and the statement ending date for the statement on which it was cleared or selected to clear.
  • Tentative balance:
    Displays the balance of all activity in the currently selected bank account, including the sum of all unprinted checks.
  • Balance:
    Displays the balance of all activity in the currently selected bank account, excluding the sum of all unprinted checks.
  • Net income effect:
    Displays the effect that the current transaction has on the year-to-date net income. The net income effect is the total of the balances for all revenue and expense accounts included in the current transaction.
    • A credit to a Revenue or Expense type account increases net income.
    • A debit to a Revenue or Expense type account decreases net income.
  • Hash totals:
    Displays the sum of selected values across all transactions in the list. To display the hash total, mark the checkboxes in the Enter Transactions Options dialog for the items to include.

Add and delete buttons

  • Add button:
    Opens a new transaction record.
  • Delete button:
    Deletes the selected transaction record.

Void and reverse buttons

When you void a check, the void date is the same as the original check date. If you want the voided amount applied to a different date, you can use the Reverse button and specify that the reversal amount post to a specific date.
  • Void button:
    (Checks, AP Checks, Payroll Checks, Payments, and AP Payments only) Changes the transaction's status to Void. The application retains all amount and unit fields on the voided transaction and displays the word "VOID" for the transaction amount. Unlike deleting a transaction, voiding leaves a paper trail showing that the transaction was voided.
  • When you create a transaction (not including payroll checks) and distribute amounts to a GL account that is associated with a bank account, the application automatically creates a transaction (payment or addition) to ensure that the balances are correct. If the application created a payment transaction for any of the related distributions on the voided transaction, it voids the transaction, too. If the application created an addition transaction for any of the related distributions, it removes the transaction because addition transaction types can't have a Void status.
  • Reverse button:
    (Checks, AP Checks, Payroll Checks, Payments, and AP Payments only) Changes the transaction's status to Reversed. The application creates a separate transaction with offsetting negative amounts and a status of Reversal.
  • When you select the Reverse button, the Reversal Transaction Information dialog opens, and you'll need to enter a date that is either on or after the original transaction date and a posting period that is either on or after the original posting period for the transaction being reversed. You can reverse transactions that have been cleared through bank account reconciliation, but you can't delete or void them.

Edit multiple transactions

Opens the Edit Multiple Transactions dialog, where you can delete, void, reverse, edit, or transfer multiple transactions at the same time.

Generate Liabilities for handwritten payroll checks

Opens the Generate Liabilities dialog, where you can generate liabilities for handwritten payroll checks, such as those created to enter historical payroll data.


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