Minimum wage requirements

You can use the
Minimum Wage Requirements
screen to choose whether to modify the rate or the amount of employee payroll checks so that the checks meet the minimum wage requirements or choose to enter the payroll checks without making any adjustments.
Minimum Wage Requirements
screen displays when you enter employee payroll checks that don't meet minimum wage requirements. It displays the current tipped wage rates and reported tips amounts for each check in question.
Choose from the following adjustment options:
  • Increase the tipped wage rate to the required tipped wage rate
  • Increase the reported tips amount to the required reported tips amount
  • Ignore this alert and enter the payroll without making any adjustments
Use the Employee check grid to review information about the payroll checks that don't meet minimum wage requirements:
  • Employee ID
  • Employee Name
  • Tipped Wage Rate
  • Required Tipped Wage Rate
    :This is the minimum wage requirement for tipped employees in the employer's business jurisdiction. If you've set an alternative minimum wage rate for a tipped employee, that rate appears in this field for the employee.
  • Reported Tips Amount
  • Required Reported Tips Amount


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