Payroll checks or tax forms absent from self-service portal

Verify Employee Self-Service set up

  1. Select
    , then select the
    Payroll Information
  2. Select a client then
  3. In the Employee Data Integration section, mark the
    Employee Self-Service
    checkbox. When this checkbox is marked, the client has access to all Employee Self-Service functionality, and Employee Self-Service is automatically enabled for all of the client's employees. If necessary, you can turn off Employee Self-Service for individual employees.
  4. Select
    to save the updated client record.
  5. Select
    , then
    to add information for the client's employees.
    In the
    tab of the
    screen, make sure to enter a valid email address for each employee.
  6. If this is your first time using Employee Self-Service with this client, the application sends a registration email to all employees with a valid email address. The email directs the person to the NetClient CS account registration page, where they'll create an account.
    If an employee doesn't have an email address or you don't know it, you can enter your firm's email address or the client's email address for that employee. When the registration email arrives, you or the client can register the account on behalf of the employee.
  7. (Optional) To send W-2 or 1095-C forms to the Employee Self-Service portal, select
    , then the
    Payroll Taxes
    1. In the
      section, select
      Employee Self-Service
      in the
      Filing Method
      column for each of the forms you want to send to the employee portals.
  8. Select
    to save your changes.

Verify that Employee Self-Service for individual employees

You can disable Employee Self-Service for individual employees. If checks or forms aren't showing up for an employee, verify that Employee Self-Service is turned on for that employee.
  1. Select
    , then the
  2. Clear the
    Employee Self Service disabled

Verify print options

, then
Process Payroll Tax Forms
. Filter for form type W-2, 1099, or 1095-C, and then use 1 of the following methods to specify Employee Self-Service as the print method.
  • For each client, make sure you select
    Employee Self-Service
    in the
    Filing Method
    column for the forms (W-2 or 1095-C) in the grid.
  • Select the
    Print Options
    and mark the
    Send to Employee Self-Service
    checkbox in the
    Filing Method Selection
If check stubs don't appear, you may have already printed the payroll checks after you set up Employee Self-Service. In some cases, you can reprocess the payroll checks, or delete and re-enter the checks, to send them to the employee's portal.

Verify your internet connection

If you have a weak internet connection, some of the information may not be sent successfully, which can result in missing checks or tax forms. We don’t support or recommend wireless internet connections because of the instability of the wireless signal, and performance on wireless networks can't be guaranteed. If you have a wired internet connection but a weak signal, contact your IT professional or internet service provider (ISP).

Sign in to the NetStaff CS portal with Employee Self Service Administrator privileges

  1. Sign in to the portal.
  2. Go to the
    tab, then select
    in the Employee Self-Service (ESS) section.
  3. Select a client, then select
  4. For each employee, select their name in the list and make sure it contains checks, W-2s, 1099s, or 1095s for the specific date or tax year that were printed.

Additional troubleshooting tips if payroll checks are still not showing in the Employee Self Service Portal for an employee

Using File Explorer, go to
X:\Wincsi\Accounting CS
(where X: is the drive you have Accounting CS installed to), right click on the
file then select
Open With
The .ini extension won't show if you aren’t showing file extensions.
Do the following steps in order:
  1. Add the following text under the [appSettings] section:
    If your firm uses Virtual Office or Software as a Service, contact Support to have this enabled.
  2. Select
    . Close and re-open Accounting CS so the changes can take effect.
  3. Try to print a pay stub to the Employee Self Service portal again (or enter a handwritten check).
  4. Immediately check the Accounting CS log.txt file after the print job is completed. Newest entries will be found at the bottom of the log. Make note of the date and time and contact Support to provide the information from the log file.
The log file is located at
C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Creative Solutions\Accounting CS
Internal use only
Once a customer has the EnableEssLog=true, look for the following in the log file:
  • If you see any errors logged that appear to be related to ESS or uploading the pay stub, get a copy of the log file. Visit the consultant for permission to discuss and enter in an ADO if needed.
  • If you see entries in the log file indicating the stub was transmitted successfully, but the employee still doesn’t see the check stubs on their portal, then a SNOW ticket to the TRTA Platform Analysts is needed to investigate.
  • If Accounting CS was able to successfully upload the check stub to the portal, you'll see entries similar to this in the log file:
    1. ESS Stub transmitted (followed by the client ID, employee ID, check number, etc.).
    2. ESS Export successful.
  • Other known errors:
    1. Skipping bank transaction 1091444 for client 32IN100J employee 1048, not approved for transmission.
    2. ESS Export aborted for client 32IN100J employee 1048, DataSet includes PayrollBankTransactionEntity but the employee has no pending check stub.
    Both 1 and 2 mean a check has been printed and queued, but it hasn't been approved for transmission yet because the user hasn't confirmed the check printed successfully.
  • If you need to log a ticket with the TRTA Platform team, please include the following details for them:
    1. The exact date/time that the firm printed the checks.
    2. Include the Accounting CS Client ID (known as the Desktop ID to them).
    3. Include the employee's portal ID (not the employee ID) or email address.
If you log a ticket with TRTA Platform, it will need to be immediately after the failure happens. The TRTA Platform team only has access to their log files for 2 to 3 days due to the amount of traffic they get, so if you don't report it immediately, there's a chance they won't be able to access the logs.


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