Determine which version of SQL server is right for your firm

Microsoft provides a variety of versions and editions of SQL Server to correspond with differing needs. While we find SQL Server Express sufficient for most firms, things such as the number of concurrent users, the amount of data, any additional applications needed within your firm may necessitate an upgraded version of SQL Server.
Due to the complexity of setting up and maintaining a SQL Server environment, we recommend you consult with your firm's qualified IT professional or a SQL certified technician.

Cost and licensing

The Express edition of SQL Server is free and included in the installation each of the CS Professional Suite applications that use SQL databases. However, the Express edition of SQL does have limits (see SQL Server version comparisons table further). Many of these limits are removed with one of the paid versions of SQL, which vary in licensing options and pricing.
Accounting CS with Firm-Hosted Client Access requires Microsoft Volume Licensing that can be based on a “per server + Client Access License (CAL)” or “per core” basis.
  • When licensed “per server + CAL”, you have to purchase a CAL for each person and/or device accessing the SQL Server.
  • When licensed “per core”, there is not a limit on the number of people and/or devices that can access the SQL Server.
All other CS Professional Suite applications don’t need specific SQL Licensing and Support can't advise on SQL Licensing. For more information, refer to Microsoft's SQL Server Pricing. External link

SQL Server version comparisons

Refer to the following tables for a comparison of the different versions and editions of SQL Server.
Microsoft SQL Server 2019
Number of CPUs/computing capacity
Operating system maximum
Limited to the lesser of 4 sockets or 24 cores
Limited to the lesser of 1 socket or 4 cores
Maximum memory used
Operating system maximum
128 GB
1,410 MB
Maximum database size
524 PB
524 PB
10 GB
Microsoft SQL Server 2017
Business Intelligence
Number of CPUs/computing capacity
Operating system maximum
Limited to the lesser of 4 sockets or 16 cores
Limited to the lesser of 4 sockets or 16 cores
Limited to the lesser of 1 socket or 4 cores
Maximum memory used
Operating system maximum
128 GB
128 GB
1 GB
Maximum database size
524 PB
524 PB
524 PB
10 GB
Microsoft SQL Server 2016
Business Intelligence
Number of CPUs/computing capacity
Operating system maximum
Limited to the lesser of 4 sockets or 16 cores
Limited to the lesser of 4 sockets or 16 cores
Limited to the lesser of 1 socket or 4 cores
Maximum memory used
Operating system maximum
128 GB
128 GB
1 GB
Maximum database size
524 PB
524 PB
524 PB
10 GB
Microsoft SQL Server 2014
Business Intelligence
Number of CPUs/computing capacity
Operating system maximum
Limited to the lesser of 4 sockets or 16 cores
Limited to the lesser of 4 sockets or 16 cores
Limited to the lesser of 1 socket or 4 cores
Maximum memory used
Operating system maximum
128 GB
128 GB
1 GB
Maximum database size
524 PB
524 PB
524 PB
10 GB


  • While there is no SQL Server limit related to user threshold, you should consider using an edition of SQL higher than Express (which requires a paid license from Microsoft) for firms with 15 or more concurrent users.
  • Larger firms may benefit from a full version of SQL Server because of the enhanced features and management tools that aren't available with SQL Express.
    • Some of these features include enhanced synchronization and terminal server clustering.
    • Some of these tools include SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server Profiler, and SQL Analyzer.
  • Another factor to consider is whether your firm uses other applications that require SQL databases.
    • For example, if your firm already uses Accounting CS on a full version of SQL Server, then it could be beneficial to use SQL Server for FileCabinet CS since you've already purchased licenses for SQL Server.

Product-specific considerations

Accounting CS and Workpapers CS
While we find that SQL Express is suitable for Accounting CS and Workpapers CS, keep in mind that the type of data usually stored in an engagement/workpapers environment causes databases to grow rather quickly and could result in a need for a full (paid) version of SQL Server.
For performance reasons, we don't recommend using SQL Server Express for Accounting CS with Firm-Hosted Client Access.
Practice CS
The average database size for Practice CS ranges from 100 MB to 2 GB, though in isolated examples, firms have had larger databases. In most cases, as long as you're following best practices to ensure optimal performance, SQL Express will be sufficient to use with Practice CS.
FileCabinet CS
While the database limit for MS SQL Server Express is 10 GB, FileCabinet CS is structured such that up to 100 GB of data can be supported with the Express edition.

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