Time clock import ASCII file structure

The Time clock import file is an ASCII file containing records in the following format.
Number fields are 9 characters in length. These may be zero or blank-filled.
Employee Number
Employee IDs are restricted to four numeric characters and the Employee ID in the import file must match the Employee ID in the application.
Department ID
The Department ID in the import file must match the Department ID of a department in the application. If the
Department ID
field is left blank, amounts will be entered in the department associated with the employee's primary work location if a department has been added to the employee.
ASCII Time Clock Import ID
The time clock import ID in the import file must match the corresponding ASCII Time Clock Import ID for pay or deduction items set up in the Main tab of the Setup > Payroll Items screen.
Number of regular hours
The number of regular hours to be imported into the
Reg Hours
field for the pay item.
Number of overtime hours
The number of overtime hours to be imported into the
OT Hours
field for the pay item.
Number of double-time hours
The number of double-time hours to be imported into the
DT Hours
field for the pay item.
Control character defining amount 444444444
  • D - Deduction amount for the deduction item with ASCII Time Clock Import ID ##
    Deduction item with an ASCII Time Clock Import ID corresponding to ##.
  • W - New rate for the pay item with ASCII Time Clock Import ID ##
    For salaried items, the 444444444 amount is annualized and entered as an annual salary. For hourly items, it is assumed to be an hourly rate.
(Depends on L)
Reported tips
The amount of reported tips to be imported into the Reported Tips pay item.
  • Amount and number of hours fields are assumed to have 2 decimal places. For example 000004000 is interpreted as 40.00 hours.
  • There should be a CR/LF (carriage return / line feed) after each record.
  • You can't use ASCII/TCI format files to import accruable benefit hours. If you need to import accruable benefit hours, you will need to use an XML import file or use a spreadsheet import.
The following example shows 2 lines of an import file for an employee who works as a customer service representative in a fast food restaurant.
  • Employee ID.
    1001 - John Smith
  • Department.
    02 - Service Staff
  • Pay item 1.
    Wages - pay description number 10. (40 hours regular pay, 10 hours overtime this week)
  • Pay item 2.
    Shift Premium - pay description 41 (10 hours this week)
    Each payroll item must have its own line entered in the import file. Within each line you can combine the regular, overtime, and double-time hours for single payroll item.
Time clock import file ASCII example
  • Tipped employees.
    If the employee is a tipped employee with a Reported Tips pay item, you can include the tips amount in position 47-54 on the same line as the tipped-wages hourly pay item.
  • Wage rate changes.
    Wage rate changes made using special character
    (position 36) can be included on either the same line as the regular hours, or can be entered using a separate line. For salaried items, the 444444444 amount is annualized and entered as an annual salary. For hourly items, it is assumed to be an hourly rate.
    If a rate change is included in the import file, the change will take effect on that check regardless of the location of the rate change line.
  • Deduction amount override.
    If you want to override the deduction amount normally calculated on a check, you must use a separate line for each deduction item.


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