Print the Reporting Agent List report and Form 8655

When you register as a reporting agent with the IRS, you you'll need to submit a list of your clients, and file Form 8655 for each client.
Follow these steps to create a reporting agent list and print a Form 8655 for each client in Accounting CS.

Preview and print the reporting agent list and Form 8655

  1. Select
    , then
    Reporting Agent Authorization
  2. Use the filters to display the clients you want to include in the report.
  3. Select
    Add Clients
    . The
    Client enrollment
    grid displays the filtered clients that don't already have the
    Reporting agent (Form 8655 filed)
    checkbox marked in the Electronic Filing section of the Payroll tax forms additional information window.
  4. Mark the checkboxes for the client records you want to add to the Reporting Agent List report.
  5. Select a contact in the
    Taxpayer Contact
    column, if necessary.
  6. Mark any other applicable checkboxes for each client.
  7. To preview the report before printing, select
    Preview Selected
  8. To print the report and the 8655 forms for each client, select
    Print Selected

Remove client records from the Reporting Agent List report

Follow these steps to remove a client from the list of client records you act as a reporting agent for.
  1. Select
    , then
    Reporting Agent Authorization
  2. Use the filters to display the clients you want to remove from the list.
  3. Select
    Terminate Clients
    . The
    Client enrollment
    displays the filtered clients that don't already have the
    Reporting agent (Form 8655 filed)
    checkbox marked in the Electronic Filing section of the Payroll tax forms additional information window.
  4. Mark any other applicable checkboxes for each client.
  5. To preview the report, select
    Preview Selected
  6. Select
    Print Selected
    . Accounting CS will unmark the
    Reporting agent (Form 8655 filed)
    checkbox for the selected clients.

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