June 26, 2024 release notes

  • Check the Alerts and notices article if you're searching for a specific update not available in this article.
  • Check the status of your online applications and services (such as CS Connect and Virtual Office CS) via the Online Product Status Page.
  • We recommend clearing cached files after a release. Close and reopen the application, then sign in again.

Document request templates

Save a document request as a template and reuse the templates for multiple clients to save time when adding document requests. You can add, edit, and delete a template. Then, when creating a request, use the template to have the detailed document requests filled in for you.

Email from no-reply@thomsonreuters.com

Emails for notification rules and emails sent using the email via AdvanceFlow option will now be created with the
field of the email set to no-reply@thomsonreuters.com. The display name of the from field will be “Thomson Reuters.” The previous behavior was to use AdvanceFlow username emails in the
field of the email. Using the no-reply email will reduce the chances that these emails are blocked by spam filters and blockers. That means that the special SPF records on domain names are no longer needed. You should add no-reply@thomsonreuters.com to your address book and allow it through spam filters. If you plan on using the email via AdvanceFlow feature, let the email recipient know that they should look for the new email address.

Other issues resolved

The following issues have been resolved in the latest update:
  • Excel documents with formulas referencing a Fund update properly to the new period’s engagement upon rolling forward.
  • In the
    Notification Rules
    screen, if you choose to edit a rule and make a change to 1 step of the rule without visiting each step, the rule saves the changes correctly.
  • An error message in the Engagement properties on the dates tab when the beginning date is after the ending date no longer appears when the beginning date is in an earlier year than the ending date.
  • Resolved the root cause of partial system outages on May 9 and June 3.
  • Disabled account groupings can no longer be selected when creating a Custom Excel document.
  • The change password window for the legacy AdvanceFlow sign in system will no longer display in certain cases.
  • The User Assignment can no longer be changed on a workpaper in a checked out status on the workpapers list view.
  • Documents with a
    status contained in the recycle bin have the View action disabled.
  • It is no longer possible to submit the same Confirmation request for the same bank account for the same date.
  • The zoom level of the document preview pane is stored as a user preference and is remembered when switching between documents.
  • The Clear filters in the alerts panel properly clear the filters as expected.
  • When adding or editing a user in the
    Manage Users
    screen, the apostrophe character is now an acceptable character.


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