Manage your license PIN

When you download and install licenses for your programs you'll need to enter your firm ID and license PIN (Personal Identification Number). By default, your license PIN is your firm's ZIP code. You can't download software licenses with your default license PIN.
As the Licensee or Firm Delegate, update your PIN to meet the following secure PIN criteria:
  • Doesn't match your firm’s ZIP code.
  • Must contain 5 numerical characters.
  • Can't be all the same number (such as 55555).
  • Can't be sequential (such as 12345 or 54321).
  • Can't be a PIN you’ve used previously.

Change or review your license PIN

As the Licensee or Firm Delegate, follow these steps to review or change your current license PIN.
The Thomson Reuters – Tax & Accounting Business (Thomson Reuters) uses certain roles to define the relationship between Thomson Reuters and its Clients for Software products, such as the roles of Licensee or Firm Delegate. Licensee or Firm Delegate serves as account administrator and has legal right to the Client data entered in the software. A Licensee or Firm Delegate is responsible for managing the Client relationship with Thomson Reuters, including notifying Thomson Reuters of any firm demographic or name changes, managing security requirements, and responsibility for data entered in the software.
  1. Log in using your Thomson Reuters ID.
  2. In the My Firm section, select
    Manage Firm
    to open the Firm Information page.
  3. Your current license PIN appears in the
    License PIN
    field. If your PIN does not match the secure PIN criteria, enter a new secure PIN in the License PIN field.
  4. Select
    Save Changes
    . Your license PIN will update automatically.
  5. Share your new License PIN only with staff members or IT professionals who need to download your software licenses via CS Connect.

If you use web-based programs

If you use Virtual Office CS, a license PIN is only required for programs you’ve installed locally.
If you use Software as a Service (SaaS), per your service agreement you cannot locally install any programs, so you don't need a license PIN.

When to share your license PIN

Your firm's staff members or IT professionals need your firm ID and license PIN to update your licenses via CS Connect. Share your license PIN only with individuals at your firm who'll download licenses via CS Connect, or who'll download licenses on your firm's behalf, such as IT professionals. The following types of changes require a CS Connect license download:
  • The purchase of an additional license.
  • A change to your network configuration.
  • Renewal of your programs.
  • A change to the licensee's name.
  • A change to your firm's name or address.

Additional information

If you suspect an unauthorized individual has gained access to your programs, you should update your license PIN as a precaution. If you have additional concerns about your programs, we're available to help you with your questions via phone, chat, or email.
As the designated Licensee or Firm Delegate, we recommend you regularly review the active accounts with access to your programs. Deactivate any accounts that shouldn't have access to your programs. The type of account your firm uses to access your programs varies based on your product licensing.
Internal use only
Once a new PIN is saved on the website, an update is sent to EMS right away and the new PIN replaces the old. This can be verified by returning to the My Account page.
Any User Services representative can verify the current PIN in EMS. Open the firm ID in EMS and select
, then
License/Access PIN
. The PIN can't be shared with any members of the firm.

Log calls in Flash

Any customer contacts, whether phone, chat, or email should be logged as follows.
Customer Service representatives:
  • In the
    dropdown select
    for licensing.
  • In the
    dropdown select the appropriate application mentioned during the call.
    • If UltraTax CS is owned and no application or multiple applications were mentioned during the call, select
      for UltraTax CS.
    • If UltraTax CS isn't owned and no application or multiple applications were mentioned during the call, select any one of the applications owned.
Support representatives:
  • In the
    dropdown menu select the appropriate application mentioned during the call.
    • If UltraTax CS is owned and no application or multiple applications were mentioned during the call, select
      for UltraTax CS.
    • If UltraTax CS isn't owned and no application or multiple applications were mentioned during the call, select any one of the applications owned.
  • In the
    dropdown select
    Cust Service
    . This should be a non-billable call.


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