Set Checkpoint
user options

Use Options to set your preferences and default settings for Checkpoint
Use the navigation pane to set your preferences individually, or select
Options Wizard
to set them at the same time. Select
to apply any changes you make. You can set personal preferences for the following categories:
  • Document options let you set display features and navigation controls while viewing a document.
  • General Settings lets you change your time zone, default screen when you log in, and history settings.
  • News options let you set display and default views, as well as email settings and RSS feeds. What you can choose in this section will depend on your subscription.
  • Personal/Password options let you change your name, email, and password.
  • Search/Display lets you choose how your search results are displayed. Find more details at Set search/display options in Checkpoint.
  • Application Integration is where you can set up or reset Single Sign-On (SSO) links with other products.
  • Time Tracking is where you can choose to show your time tracking project list once you log in.