April 25th release notes

We have updated the guidance in CX-2 (Planning Materiality), CX-7 (Risk Assessment) workpapers, and the Identified Risk pane of relevant checklists.
Issues resolved
  • While importing Internal Controls engagements via a transfer file, flags denoting modified procedures were not being displayed on CX-10.1
  • Question 4 for Internal Controls form CX-4.1 was showing as “unanswered” in the Diagnostics Report even when there was a response present.
  • While saving, when data had been recently entered in tables in CX-3.1 and/or CX-8.3 users had reported data not saving and data in the table being cleared.
  • After importing an engagement via .sprtl file, if the engagement contained a WP reference greater than 50 characters the Roll Forward of that engagement would fail with a 500 error.
  • Diagnostics Reports still included the individual CX-7.1 form for an Audit Area when “Not Relevant” was selected in all Assertions.
  • After Rolling Forward an engagement to Construction Contractors ’23 the “Affirm All” banner would not dismiss if certain responses were present in the source engagement.
  • Newly added/edited Engagement Template names were inconsistently placed in the “Create from Template” dropdown menu.
  • We are currently investigating scenarios of page unresponsiveness while using the expand all button on the Disclosure CX-13 checklist. We have currently removed that button as a precaution while we continue to address the issue