May 23rd release notes

What's new

  • Import of SMART Practice Aids Disclosure Engagements
    - We're excited to announce a significant enhancement to Checkpoint Engage: Users can now import SMART Practice Aids disclosure engagements directly into the application. This update simplifies the transition of your engagements from SMART Practice Aids (Desktop) to Checkpoint Engage (Cloud), ultimately saving you valuable time.
To take advantage of this feature create and export a Transfer File for a disclosure engagement from within SMART Practice Aids and Import it into Checkpoint Engage. Please note that currently you can only import desktop disclosure engagements into empty Checkpoint Engage binders.
  • Updates to the CX-7: Determining Significant Audit Areas
    - The process for identifying significant audit areas has been refined. It's now driven by the risk of material misstatement for audit area assertions. If the risk of material misstatement for all assertions is deemed "Not Relevant", the audit area will automatically be classified as not significant, and the corresponding Audit Area Approach will be set to "Limited" by default. Conversely, if any assertion in the risk assessment for an audit area becomes relevant (i.e. is assessed as Low, Moderate, or High), the audit area will be adjusted to significant, accordingly.

Issues resolved

  • While attempting to print Diagnostic messages, the resulting document was showing "Please rotate or enlarge your browser to view the content."
  • In Compilation and Review engagements after updating industry content and rolling forward some completion view data was not being carried forward.
  • Identified Risks were shown blank after creating an engagement from a transfer file that had performed the updated industry content feature.
  • Some users were unable to drag and drop procedures in Design view in specific scenarios.
  • Users were unable to generate a Combined Risk assessment summary form when an Audit area contained special characters.
  • The Disclosure checklist was not updating correctly when multiple clicks of the 'Continue' button were used to initiate the process.
  • Links added through the "Insert link" option were not functioning as hyperlinks in CX-2.1 fields.
  • In Internal Controls engagements, Control Risk was not updating in CX-10.1.2 when risk for that audit area was being changed from "High"
  • Users were able to add risks to an audit area while another user was working on Risk Assessment workpapers for that audit area.