Add and edit fund data in the Trial Balance tab

Engagement Manager organizes your fund data within a hierarchy and represents each fund level in its own pane on the
tab. The contents of each pane changes dynamically, depending on the selections you make in the pane corresponding to the next highest hierarchical level.
  1. Category
  2. Type
  3. Fund
  4. Sub Fund
  1. With the fund engagement selected, choose the
    Trial Balance
  2. Select
    , then
  3. For each category that you'd like to add to the current engagement, you can do the following:
    • Add a category: select
      Add Category
      , enter a unique category name, and select
    • Add a type or the selected category: select
      Add Type
      , enter a unique type name, and select
    • Add a fund for the selected type: select
      Add Fund
      , enter a unique fund code, enter a description, and select
    • Add a sub fund: select
      Add Sub Fund
      , enter a sub fund code, enter a description, and select
    • You can
      use duplicate sub fund codes for sub funds used in separate funds. All other set data such as fund codes, type names, and category names must be unique throughout all of your fund templates. For example, you could re-use a sub fund with code
      for a cash account in separate funds.
    • If you include sub fund data, you must include it for all funds. Therefore, if a specific fund doesn't require a sub fund, you'll need to enter a sub fund placeholder.
    • You can move categories up and down.
    • You can edit and delete items on this pane.


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