Assign account types

There are 5 types of accounts in Engagement Manager:
Asset (A), Liability (L), Equity (Q), Revenue (R), Expense (E). Engagement Manager uses the R and E account types to calculate the net income (loss) for a trial balance and to calculate the Net Income variable in workpapers. Engagement Manager assigns the account type based on the account classification grouping code that you assign to that account.
Existing accounts
To assign an account type to an existing account, you can use one of these methods:
  • You can assign Account Classification grouping codes when you map column information during the spreadsheet import process.
  • Assign account classification grouping codes to accounts
    1. Open the engagement and select the
      Trial Balance
    2. Select the appropriate trial balance view from the
      Custom View
      You can add an Account Classification column to the view if it doesn't currently exist.
    3. In the Account Classification column, double-click the cell for the account and select the applicable code and subcode from the dropdown list.
New accounts
To assign an account type to a new account:

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