Create divisions in the Trial Balance tab

  • You can only use divisions for engagements designated to use a divisional account structure.
  • All of an engagement's accounts must match the divisional mask exactly for you to be able to use division features. If your client provides a trial balance with account numbers that don’t have the same number of characters, you'll need to add characters (such as zeros) to use this structure as intended.
You can use divisions to refine trial balance views and for reporting purposes. For example, you could define divisions for locations, departments, units, funds, projects, cost centers, and activities.
  1. On the
    Engagement dashboard
    , select the engagement to view it.
    If the engagement is not on your
    Engagement dashboard
    , use
    Open engagements
    to add it.
  2. Select the
    Trial Balance
    tab on the navigation pane.
  3. Select
    , then
  4. Select
  5. Enter a
    Division Name
    Division Description
  6. You can choose from the following save options:
    • select
      Save and Close
      to close the Add Division panel.
    • select
      Save and Add More
      to add divisions.
  7. Select the Back arrow to close the Divisions workspace.
    • To disable a division, select
      in the Divisions screen, then mark the Disable checkbox.
    • To delete a division, select
      in the Divisions screen.


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