Import trial balance data from a spreadsheet

Follow these steps to import trial balance data from a spreadsheet into Engagement Manager.
  1. In Engagement Manager, open the engagement you want to import the trial balance data into.
  2. Select the
    Trial Balance
    , then
  3. Select
    Browse for file
    , select the spreadsheet file with the trial balance data you want to import, then
    , and
  4. Use the
    Select worksheet
    dropdown to select the worksheet that includes the data.
  5. Choose how you want to handle duplicate accounts from the following options:
    • Display as errors
      : If duplicate account numbers exist, you'll be prompted to choose between renumbering the duplicate account number or excluding the duplicate account number from the imported file.
    • Import first account
      : If duplicate account numbers exist, the 1st account is imported.
    • Import last account
      : If duplicate account numbers exist, the last account is imported.
  6. Mark the
    Exclude accounts with zero balances
    checkbox you don't want to include zero balance accounts in the import.
  7. Select
  8. Define data in each column of the trial balance.
    1. Map each spreadsheet column by specifying the column title (Type) for each column in the table.
    2. Select a column heading in the table, then choose the applicable title from the dropdown. Available column titles include:
      Available columns for mapping
      Column title
      Additional selections
      Not Used
      The application won’t import any data from this column.
      Account Number
      This is a required column. Account numbers can contain up to 65 characters.
      Account Description
      This is a required column. If the account description for an existing account is different from the description in the spreadsheet, the application updates the description using the information in the spreadsheet during the import. Account descriptions can contain up to 120 characters, including spaces.
      Account Grouping
      Account grouping code or subcode
      Engagement Manager adds new custom codes and subcodes to the Account Groupings screen.
      The selected engagement must include at least one account grouping for this column to be visible. If you don’t see the Account Grouping column for the current engagement, you must add or import account groupings to the engagement.
      Tax Information
      Tax Code, Tax Subcode, M-3 Tax Code, M-3 Tax Subcode or Property Code
      Engagement Manager adds new custom tax subcodes and M-3 subcodes to the client Tax Code setup. You can assign property code units to a column only if the tax code is already assigned to an existing column.
      When transferring data to a tax application, a property code can be used to designate the input screen location for multiple-unit entities.
      For example, if you're transferring utilities expenses for a farm to the UltraTax CS Farm input screen and the tax code for the 1st unit's utilities is 632 and the property code is 1, you'd transfer the 2nd unit's utilities with a tax code of 632 and a property code of 2.
      Unadjusted Balance
      Current Period only and Amount Type (DR/CR, DR, CR)
      Budget Balance and Adjusted Budget Balance
      Period end date or Year for the current year and prior years available and Amount Type (DR/CR, DR, CR)
      Adjusted Balance, Report Balance, Federal Tax Balance, State Tax Balance, Other Balance, and Proposed Balance
      Prior period and years available and Amount Type (DR/CR, DR, CR)
    3. Select the
      checkboxes for any rows of data that you don’t want to include in the import.
    4. Select
    You can access all other areas of Engagement Manager during the import process.
If you're importing data into a trial balance that already exists, Engagement Manager updates and appends the existing data during the import process.
Existing trial balance
  • Account 101 - 10,000
  • Account 102 - 20,000
Import spreadsheet
  • Account 102 - 14,000
  • Account 103 - 5,000
End result
  • Account 101 - 10,000
  • Account 102 - 14,000
  • Account 103 - 5,000
Sample spreadsheet
Download and save this sample trial balance spreadsheet. It includes Account Classification codes, subcodes, current-year unadjusted balance, and prior-year adjusted balance. You can modify the formatting, columns, and data to fit your needs.


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