Tax code listing

The tax code assignments you make in your accounting or audit application for specific general ledger accounts enable your tax application to carry account balances to the proper lines on the appropriate tax forms. For your convenience, we've provided a list of all tax codes available and which tax forms and lines those correspond to.

Special information about Accounting CS and Workpapers CS

When you close to the next fiscal year, the application carries forward tax codes the first time you move into that particular year. After that, the tax codes for different years are independent of each other. However, if you move forward to a new year in which the tax codes have not yet been released (for example, 20xy), the application uses tax codes for the latest year available to generate assignments in the database. If you move back to the prior year (for example, 20xx), change an assignment, and then move forward again (to 20xy), the application will not carry forward assignments made in the prior year (20xx) because they've already been assigned in new year.


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