Trial balance data entry tips

Tips on the data you can enter in the trial balance grid and some of the fast ways to do it.
  • You can enter balance amounts into the Unadjusted column of the current year directly in the grid. You can also enter data into any balance type (adjusted, report, federal tax, state tax, other) for any previous year.
  • When entering balances, use the Enter key to move downwards to the next row in the same column. The Tab key will move to the next column in the same row.
  • You can assign account groupings directly in the grid by selecting the cell and choosing the code and subcode in the dropdown menu. If you know the code and subcode that you want to assign, you can type {Code} space {subcode} in the field directly to avoid searching and scrolling the list. Otherwise you can use search terms in the code or description directly in the cell to find the proper code quickly.
  • The same dropdown menu and type-ahead search also apply in the Tax Code columns.
  • In the workpaper reference column, you can type in the workpaper reference you want to assign. After typing the first 2 characters, the names of matching workpaper references will appear in a list beneath the cell and you can choose from the list. Alternatively, you can select the paperclip icon in the cell to see the entire list of documents to choose from. From this window, you can also search for a document and see the names of the folders containing the documents.
  • If you want to assign the same account grouping code, tax code, or workpaper reference to multiple accounts at once, select the multiple accounts using the checkboxes, Ctrl + click, or Shift + click, to select multiple accounts at once. Then, right-click in the grid and choose the proper action in the right-click menu. A single left-click in the account number or description row will deselect all previous selections and select only the single account that you selected.
  • Double-clicking on an account number or description will open up a window letting you change the account number or description.

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