Section 179 eligible assets

Section 179 eligible assets include the following:
  • All personal property assets placed in service during the current year that are being depreciated by a method other than Memo, Land, or Amortization, unless the assets are being forced as not eligible section 179 property on the Other tab.
    Amortized assets with an amortization code of
    167 - Computer Software
    are eligible section 179 property.
  • Assets that are qualified real property (qualified leasehold improvement property, qualified restaurant property, and qualified retail improvement property) for tax years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and greater years. (Refer to: Entering qualified real property section 179 expenses.)
  • Assets that aren't in the Miscellaneous business activity.
  • Assets that are forced as eligible section 179 property in the Other tab.


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