Restrict access to GoFileRoom drawers

GoFileRoom allows you to designate a non-GoFileRoom administrator, such as the HR manager, as a drawer owner. Restricted drawer owners have control over a top-level drawer access user list and can also add other drawer owners who would then have the same controls as the original owner.
Members of the Administrators group can't override or bypass the security settings for drawers with restricted access.
To configure a drawer with restricted access, contact GoFileRoom Support. You will need to provide the following information.
  • The name of the GoFileRoom drawer for which you want to restrict access.
  • The firm staff member who is designated as the drawer owner. The drawer owner can't also be a member of the Administrators security group.
Follow these steps to check the status of a drawer in the
Manage FileRoom
  1. Choose
    Manage Fileroom
    from the GoFileRoom toolbar.
  2. Select the drawer for which you have requested restricted access. If the drawer is restricted, the
    checkbox will be marked.
    • You can't clear the
      checkbox for a restricted drawer. Contact Support to make changes to a restricted drawer or to remove the Restricted status from a drawer.)
    • Drawer owners can designate additional drawer owners and manage restricted drawer access for users.
    • Drawer owners and those with restricted drawer access must also have drawer-level permissions. Be sure to provide users access to these drawers using the Managing users and groups features.
    • Administrators can reset the password of a drawer owner. However, as soon as they do, that user will no longer be designated as a drawer's owner. If this occurs, contact an alternate drawer owner, if available. If an alternate drawer owner is not available, contact GoFileRoom Support to reinstate the drawer owner.

