Set up NetClient CS mapping for ClientFlow

To allow members of your firm to share GoFileRoom documents with clients through ClientFlow, you'll need to assign publishing permissions in GoFileRoom.
You'll also need to configure NetClient CS mapping settings to specify a GoFileRoom drawer and default index values for documents that clients upload to ClientFlow.
You can have ClientFlow enabled for a single drawer only. For this reason, do not separate your client files into separate drawers if your firm uses ClientFlow or is planning to in the future.
The NetClient CS mapping features in the ClientFlow tab of the Manage Configurations screen are available only after your ClientFlow license has been activated. If you have an active ClientFlow license and you can't access these features, contact Support.
Follow these steps to specify default index values for the file section, document type, year, and period end for documents that clients upload to ClientFlow.
  1. Select
    , then
    Manage Configurations
  2. Select the
  3. If needed, change the default selections in the File Section and Document Type fields.
    If you want to change the Destination Drawer, Client Name, Client Number, or Document Date fields, contact Support.
  4. Optional: Enter year-end information and period-end information. As a best practice, staff should add this information after reviewing and re-indexing documents.
  5. Optional: Select the
    Automatically Publish Uploaded Documents
    checkbox to enable your clients to view the documents they upload to ClientFlow.
  6. Select

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