Determine GoFileRoom drawer file size


To find the total size of a drawer you can export a list of details about the documents in the drawer to Microsoft Excel. You can then use a SUM formula to calculate the total file size of all the documents in the drawer.

Before you start

Make sure that document security measures won't prevent you from seeing a full list of all the documents in the drawer.

Use a search to get a list of documents and export it to Excel

  1. Go to
    Search Documents
    , then
    Classic Search
  2. Select a
  3. Enter an asterisk (*) in the
    Client Name
    field, then select
  4. Make a note of the total number of documents.
  5. Select
    , then
    Export List
  6. Select
    to view the search results in Microsoft Excel.

Use Excel to calculate the total file size of the drawer

The exported list includes the file size of each document in the drawer. Before you can use a SUM formula in Excel to calculate the total file size, you'll need to remove the letters
from the File Size column so that only numbers remain.
  1. With the exported list of documents open in Excel, highlight the File Size column.
  2. Press
    to open Find and Replace.
  3. Select the
  4. Enter
    in the
    Find what
  5. Leave the
    field blank and select
    Replace All
    . The number of replacements should equal the total number of documents that you noted in the search results above.
  6. Select
    to finish with Find and Replace.
  7. In the File Size column, go to the last cell that contains data. Enter a SUM formula in the next empty cell to calculate the total size of the documents in the drawer.
You can read more about using a SUM formula in Excel on Microsoft's website.
If the customer can't get a full list of documents from Search, or can't export it because they're receiving an error or the database is too large, email the GoFileRooom systems team with the Firm ID and database ID and ask them to find the drawer size.

