Use GoFileRoom in Virtual Office CS

GoFileRoom is available on Virtual Office CS and can be used by any firm that is licensed for both GoFileRoom and Virtual Office CS.

Available functionalities

You can perform the following actions when you are working in GoFileRoom within Virtual Office CS.
  • View and edit Microsoft Excel and Word files.
  • View PDFs, Powerpoint files, Outlook messages, text documents, .html, .xml, and image files.
  • Email documents using GoFileRoom option.
  • Lookup List Sync with Practice CS is available.
Virtual Office CS uses Adobe Acrobat Reader to view PDFs only. To apply edits and/or modify PDFs, such as annotations, you must do that locally with an installed and supported version of Adobe Acrobat Professional (or Standard).

Enable GoFileRoom in Virtual Office CS

NetStaff Administrators can enable an GoFileRoom shortcut in the Virtual Office CS environment for NetStaff users.
Follow these steps to enable the GoFileRoom browser for a NetStaff account.
  1. Sign in to Virtual Office CS as a NetStaff Administrator.
  2. Select
  3. Select either
  4. Select a user or group, and then locate the Permissions section.
  5. Select
    for Virtual Office CS.
  6. Mark the checkbox for GoFileRoom.
  7. When the NetStaff user logs into Virtual Office CS, they can click the GoFileRoom icon to launch the application from within Virtual Office CS.
There are some windows in GoFileRoom that would normally open in a new browser tab when the application is run locally. When the application is run in the Virtual Office CS environment, the same windows will be launched in a new browser window.

Scan functionality

While working in GoFileRoom within Virtual Office CS, you will not be able to use ScanFlow to scan documents within Adobe.
We suggest using your local version of GoFileRoom, if you wish to use ScanFlow.

