Edit non-Word/Excel/PDF files from within GoFileRoom

Follow these steps to edit a non-Word, non-Excel or non-PDF document stored in GoFileRoom.
  1. Open the desired document for Edit in GoFileRoom.
    • From the
      Classic Search
      screen, mark the checkbox for the desired document, right-clicking, and choosing
      Edit Document
      from the context menu.
    • Or, from the
      Document Search
      screen, select the
      icon next to the desired document.
  2. Save the file in its local application and close it when you are finished editing.
  3. Go to the
    Local Files
    tab of the GoFileRoom ControlPanel.
  4. Mark the checkbox next to the desired document, then select the
    button Options button.
  5. From the Options menu, you can check-in saved changes and keep checked out, check-in saved changes, and undo checkouts.
    • The
      Local Files
      tab of the GoFileRoom ControlPanel displays all file types (other than Word, Excel, and PDF), that have been edited from GoFileRoom and have not yet been checked back in.
    • Save changes often when working in documents from within their source application.

