Migrate documents from Prosystem fx Document to GoFileRoom

The CCH® ProSystem fx® Document Migration Service uploads documents that have been extracted from CCH® ProSystem fx® Document to GoFileRoom. This document explains the migration process in detail and provides specific information about the migration of documents stored in CCH® ProSystem fx® Document to be stored in GoFileRoom.

Using the Document Migration Service

  1. Work with your Consultant on timing of when data should be sent to Thomson Reuters.
  2. Prepare and send your CCH® ProSystem fx® Document data for migration.
  3. Work with your Consultant to determine how uploaded documents will be indexed in GoFileRoom.
Your documents will be ready for use within GoFileRoom when the migration process is complete.

What to expect from the document migration

The document migration process is customized based on how your firm has stored documents in CCH® ProSystem fx® Document and how your firm has set up GoFileRoom. Your firm should expect to commit some time to the migration process. The amount of time needed typically depends on the number of documents being migrated and the consistency in naming conventions used to store documents in CCH® ProSystem fx® Document.
Due to differences between document management applications, your firm’s documents may be added to GoFileRoom using generic file location information. However, you can change the file location of your firm’s documents later, if necessary.


We acknowledge that your firm will be sending confidential client information. Thomson Reuters and the Technical Services team will use the information solely to migrate documents in a secure environment so that the documents will be available to your firm. We treat all client information as confidential. We retain your source data for 60 days after providing your firm with a document reconciliation report to help you identify and manage any unprocessed data. For additional information, you can view our Privacy Policy from the bottom of any page on our website, CS.ThomsonReuters.com.

CCH® ProSystem fx® Document Migration Service Steps

Step 1: Scheduling your migration date

Upon receiving your signed agreement, Technical Services will contact you within three business days to confirm scope and schedule date to begin the migration. If you are migrating documents as part of a Guided Implementation, your Consultant will discuss timing with you. The typical turnaround time for the entire migration is eight weeks from the time we receive your data.

Step 2: Preparing and sending your client data for conversion

Thomson Reuters will discuss preliminary information with you that your firm can compile to minimize the turnaround time for document migration. For examples of this information, review the
Client cross-reference list example
at the end of this article.
For the fastest and most efficient migration, we recommend that you send all your client data at one time and that you designate a person at your office through which your Consultant and Technical Services will facilitate the migration.
Failure to properly prepare and send client data will result in the delayed processing of your migration. For assistance with copying or sending your data, contact CCH® ProSystem fx® Document Support.
Complete the following steps to create a copy of your CCH® ProSystem fx® Document data.
  1. Verify that you have an external hard drive with sufficient space to store a copy of your CCH® ProSystem fx® Document data.
  2. Verify that all documents are checked in to the CCH® ProSystem fx® Document. For more information, go to CCH Support.
  3. Identify the storage location that contains your documents.
    The standard storage location for documents in CCH® ProSystem fx® Document is \\Pfxdocument\.
  4. Navigate to the storage location you identified in Step 3, copy the entire folder, and paste it to an external hard drive.
  5. Browse to your SQL database location and backup the primary CCH® ProSystem fx® Document database and include this with the document files you copied to the external hard drive.
  6. Encrypt the data on the hard drive using a data-encryption program such as BitLocker, a free application that is available from Microsoft.
  7. Ship the encrypted hard drive to the Technical Services team at the following address.
    Thomson Reuters
    C/O Technical Services
    6300 Interfirst Drive
    Ann Arbor, MI 48108
  8. Send the password for the encrypted drive to a Technical Services representative via email.

Step 3: Determining how to index documents in GoFileRoom

Index values must be assigned to each document that is stored in GoFileRoom. These index values identify the who, what, and when of a document so that it can be quickly and easily located. You can customize index values to meet your firm’s needs. Your firm will need to determine how the documents that are migrating should be indexed in GoFileRoom. Below is an example of the indexing structure using our recommended best practices.
  • Client Name:
    A unique, identifiable name. (This value can be transferred from your practice management application.)
  • Client Number:
    A unique value (alphabetic, numeric, or alphanumeric) that is associated with a client name. (This value can be transferred from your practice management application.)
  • File Section:
    Used to identify the type of work with which the document is associated. This value may also be used to identify correspondence or other permanent information. Examples include: Individual Tax 1040, Business Tax 1120, Audit, etc. (These values are controlled by your firm’s GoFileRoom administrator.)
  • Document Type:
    Used to identify the type of information that is contained in the document. The Document Types that are available vary depending on the File Section. Examples include: Tax Return, Workpapers, Financial Statement, etc. (These values are controlled by your firm’s GoFileRoom administrator.)
  • Description:
    Provides additional details about a document.
  • Year:
    Used to identify the year of services to which the document applies. (These values are controlled by your firm’s GoFileRoom administrator.)
  • Period End:
    Used to identify the period of services to which the document applies. (These values are controlled by your firm’s GoFileRoom administrator.)
  • Document Date:
    Used to identify a specific date with which the document should be associated.
Documents extracted from CCH Prosystem fx Document are assigned GoFileRoom index values as follows.
CCH® ProSystem fx® Document
GoFileRoom index value
Additional information
Client number
Client number
If the client number in CCH® ProSystem fx® Document does not match the Client Number in GoFileRoom, you must set up a cross reference. Review an example at the end of this article.
Client name
Client name
Associated by the Client number.
File section
May be indexed under a generic file section. If your firm requires more specific mapping, provide a cross reference of Class and Subclass. Review an example at the end of this article.
Document type
May be indexed under a generic Document Type. If your firm requires more specific mapping, provide a cross reference of Class and Subclass. Review an example at the end of this article.
Document name
The file name as listed in CCH® ProSystem fx® Document.
Can be determined by a year contained within the folder name or by the date on which the document was created. The date will be left blank for Permanent Documents.
Period end
Can be determined through a cross-reference list. If period end cannot be determined through the folder name or cross-reference, period end of 12/31 will be used.
Creation date
Document date
The date on which the document was created.

Step 4: Index mapping approval and migration

After indexes have been assigned but before migrating documents, we will provide your firm with a review spreadsheet that shows the proposed index mapping for all documents that will be migrated, as shown in the sample mapping example at the end of this article. At this point, your firm can make any necessary changes.
After your firm has given final approval on the index mapping, we can begin the document upload process. Depending on the number and size of the documents, the upload can take between one and several days. Technical Services can typically determine how long the upload will take before starting the process.
The maximum number of documents that can be processed per night is 30,000. However, the presence of multiple large documents (over 1GB) may reduce this number.
When the migration process is complete, you will be provided a spreadsheet that contains document filenames, indexing information, and GoFileRoom document IDs, which are assigned to all documents that are uploaded to GoFileRoom.

Client cross-reference list example

Excel document showing the ProSystem fx client ID, ProSystem fx client name, and the GoFileRoom client number in three different columns with sample data in rows 2 through 5
If client numbers contain leading zeros, verify that the field is formatted as text.

Class/SubClass and File Section/Document Types mapping example

You can refer to the following example for mapping CCH® ProSystem fx® Document Class and Subclass classifications when determining how to index your documents in GoFileRoom. Thomson Reuters will provide you with a worksheet to complete if your firm is not able to extract this information from your SQL database location. For more information, review the CCH help topic How to get a list of your Class and Subclasses from Document.
Excel document with 4 columns and 4 rows. Column headings are class, subclass, file section and document types. The rows contain sample data.

Sample proposed mapping

The following example spreadsheet shows what the proposed mapping will look like.
Excel document with 9 columns and 11 rows. Column headings are fileid, gfrcltname, gfrcltnum, gfrfs, gfrdt, gfrdesc, gfryr, gfrpe and gfrdocdate. The rows contain sample data.

