Self-service document restoration

For Administrators and Records Managers using the GoFileRoom self-service document restoration feature to restore documents independently. This feature will be available with the
June 24, 2024
Ensure that only users with Administrator or Records Manager permissions attempt to perform document restorations.
Potential scenarios for using the self-service restore feature include accidental deletion of documents, correction of improper modifications, and retrieval of previous versions of documents for audit purposes.
  1. Secure the 10-digit document ID for the file that needs to be restored.
  2. Sign-in to GoFileRoom with Administrator or Records Manager credentials.
  3. Go to
    , then
    Document Tracking
  4. Under SEARCH FOR DOCUMENTS, select the proper drawer.
  5. Under DOCUMENT STATUS, enter the 10-digit document ID in the Doc ID field and select
  6. Select the document from the hotlist to view the Document Audit Report.
  7. Select the hyperlink of the date you wish to restore the document from.
  8. Confirm the restoration by selecting
    when prompted with “Would you like to restore a copy of this document?”
  9. Refresh the
    Document History
    screen by pressing F5 to view the new 10-digit document ID of the restored document.
The document is restored and a new document ID is generated.
Verify the document opens without any errors. If errors exist, delete the restored document and try restoring from another date. Once verified, provide the new 10-digit document ID to the firm. If the document is to be included in an Engagement Manager engagement, add the new document to the engagement.
  • Merged documents can't be restored using this feature. Documents available for restore must be less than 3 months old.
  • If you encounter difficulties or have concerns during this process, contact the Thomson Reuters Support team.

