1040 Individual 23-5.5F

Release date: 6/28/2024
  • Get the latest on open issues by reviewing Alerts and notices.
  • Availability of state releases can be found in the Home screen, Forms Availability.
  • On the main product page, select
    Data imports and exports
    Client Code Import
    files added on this release and other import files.
  • Go to Tax Year 2022 Release Notes for 2022 release information to see 2022. On the side menu, select Tax Year 2022 Release Notes. 

Pending releases

  • Form 3800
    is available. You can e-file this form for those not having credits from Forms 7207, 7210, 7213, and 8933. Carryover utilization will be available on a future release.
  • We're updating the
    K-1 Transfer
    from 1065/1120S/1041 to 1040 to reflect the new K-1 fields.
  • We're still working on adding the e-file for
    Form 8949 IRC
    , Section 1061 adjustments.
  • We're aware when a partnership has more than one
    for the taxpayer, the system can't transfer multiple K-1s in 1 transfer. Currently, you have to transfer them one at a time. We’ll address this in a future release.
  • Schedule K-1 Review
    contains a note on the 1st page about a future update to reflect the new Schedule K-1 Other income and Other deduction fields. This only affects returns that contain these new Schedule K-1 fields.
  • We're aware that the explanatory statement for
    Form 1116
    , line 3 isn't included in the e-file when there are HTKO adjustments. We'll address this in a future release.
We’ve also just released new templates on this release
Client Code Import
to make your importing tasks easier. These templates work with either the data connection or the tax return import method.
You can download all templates and files by selecting
Data imports and exports
to open the file downloads on the product main page.
You'll need a license for Data Connection to use that feature to import. Contact a sales representative for activation.


We're updating the Form 126 e-file schema to include an attachment for a spouse's NOL waiver. It will be available in a future release.

Pennsylvania locals

We're working on updating Berkheimer forms to the latest version.


We're working on correcting the FAE 170 Filing instruction. The filing information and paragraphs are not printing correctly.


Schedule K-1
long-term capital gain/loss will now reflect the Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac long-term capital gain/loss. Before it reflected the Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac short-term capital gain/loss.
We updated the
Schedule C
dropdown for principal business codes, Page 1, line B.
We updated the
federal e-file
schema to V5.2.
We corrected a
Form 3468
issue with the ending beginning date for Part VII line 1d.
We fixed a
Form 8283
issue with Business Rule Number F8283-007-002.
We added a
Form 8835
organizer field for amount of credit from pass-through entities for Page 3, line 14.
We updated
Form 8865 K2 and K3
e-file so they now include negative amounts for Part II, Section 1, lines 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 27, 28, 29, and 30.
We updated
Form 8865 K2 and K3
e-file so they now include amounts for in columns A-E for Part II Section 1 Lines 41 and 42.
We added
Form F8997
special gain code for all sections.


We updated the schema version from 2023v4.2 to 2023v4.3.


We updated the calculation on Form DR 104, line 4.
We updated the print on Form DR 104X, Pages 1 and 3.


The Georgia Department of Revenue announced a change in the Individual income tax rate from 5.49% to 5.39% and in dependent exemption from $3,000 to $4,000 for 2024. We updated Form 500ES calculations accordingly.
We addressed a Form 500 issue where an electronic reject diagnostic generating erroneously when an unborn child was included in the line 7c total number of dependents in some situations.
The Georgia Department of Revenue announced changes in Form 500 Schedule 4 NOL. Part I, line 5 is no longer used, and Part II, line 18 couldn’t be a negative amount. We updated calculations on these lines.


We updated Form 2210M, line 2 to include Refundable credits from PY/NR Form 1, line 52.


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