1041 Fiduciary 23-3.3F


Pending releases

Release date: 2/23/2024
The following forms are not available with this release:
  • Form 8865
    , Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to Certain Foreign Partnerships
  • Form 990-T
    , Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return
  • Form 3468
    , Investment Credit
  • Form 3800
    , General Business Credit
  • Form 5884
    , Work Opportunity Credit
  • Form 6765
    , Credit for Increasing Research Activities
  • Form 8586
    , Low-Income Housing Credit
  • NOL carryover schedule

Rhode Island

The current final instruction of Schedule K-1, dated as 01/04/2024, will get an update by 02/23/2024. We’ll update our application accordingly. For now, Rhode Island Schedule K-1 will print with a watermark.


We added
Form 982
, Reduction of Tax Attributes Due to Discharge of Indebtedness (and Section 1082 Basis Adjustment).
We updated the
Form 1116
schema to correct the rejection of F1116-004.
We updated the print for the beneficiary foreign address on
Schedule K-1
to include the foreign country.
We added a whitepaper detail showing the breakout of
Vermont FIT-161
, line 1 Federal Income less prior year refund not including overpayment applied and prior year overpayment applied to current year.
We added a checkbox on
Vermont's Payments ESTIMATED TAX
section for Income Distributed - federal income won't be adjusted for prior year refund not including overpayment applied and prior year overpayment applied to current year.


We turned off Alabama BRMS Rule SD-AL41-004 for Schedule D Capital Gains.


We corrected a Form 141AZ, line 10a issue that would result in an e-file reject.


We updated the Schedule P, Section B1 credits organizer screen per instructions.
We removed the contribution codes 431 and 446 in the organizer screen of Form 541, Page 4.


We updated Form PTE-C to include financial transactions when either the main form or PTE-C are checked in the e-File screen, or when both the main form and PTE-C direct debit boxes are checked.
We updated the Iowa Form 1041, Page 4, lines 1 through 18 to match the corresponding Federal amount.

New Mexico

We added New Mexico Form RPD-41359, Annual Statement of Pass-through Entity Withholding for Nonresident Beneficiaries.


We corrected an Ohio schema validation error for Other Information on the IRS K-1.

Rhode Island

We updated to properly print the State Estimated Tax Worksheet under State of Rhode Island when a return has RI only.
We updated preparer information on the Grantor return to correctly print.


We corrected FIT-161, line 1 where it's printing positive and negative numbers.
We corrected FIT-161, line 1 to contribution codes 431 and 446 in the organizer screen for prior year refund not including overpayment applied and prior year overpayment applied to current year.


We addressed the FEIN missing in print preview on Form 770, Page 2.

West Virginia

We corrected the computation of Schedule B ESBT additions and subtractions allocated amount column per instruction.


We corrected Form 2, Page 4, Schedule C, line 3a to print.
We corrected the 1-ES EXT Transmittal letter header to populate correctly.
We removed 1-ES Voucher 4 blank statement to print.


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