1065 Partnership 23-4.2F


Pending releases

Release date: 4/05/2024
Form 7205
, Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction is pending the release of the e-file part.
We released an excel template for
Form 1042
.  The excel template uses the Tax Return Import method and an API call to complete the import.
You'll need a license for Data Connection to use that feature to import. Contact a sales representative for activation.
You can download the templates for 1120 and 1065 on the File downloads page.
1040 and 1041 filers can use either the 1120 or 1065 tax application to e-file the forms as long as you have an EIN number. The IRS doesn’t support SSNs in those schemas for the withholding agent


Form AR1100, Page 4, Section C, line 3 is still pending.


Form 1065XN is pending development.


Form OR-QUP-CAT is pending release.


We added a checkbox on the
Depreciation Compute and Print Options Organizer
to allow all depreciation assets to carry to New York City, as applicable. Also, we added a note to the state depreciation asset screen, preceding the New York entry line, to alert clients to this and the New York State similar option. Note: This option already exists on the same Organizer screen for New York State.
When an entry is made in the 2023 1065 software on
Federal Organizer/Activity Information
, Pass-Through Entity, Pass-Through Entity Activity, K-1 Line, lines 1-15 for non-portfolio short-term capital gain (loss) and/or non-portfolio long-term capital gain (loss), the data will transfer to the lines on the pass-through entity schedule, Schedule D, and on Schedules K, line 11 and K-1, line 11s.These amounts will
transfer to Schedule K and Schedule K-1, lines 8 and 9a.


We corrected errors on Form AR1155PET related to the name, address, and FEIN.


We added statement details to Form 65, line 57 for K-1’s received.
We included verbiage in Letters and Filing Instructions for Form 65 when a payment is made by check.


We fixed the e-file submission error for Kansas City, Missouri returns related to invalid values for the element Form KACT108.


We updated the tax rates on Forms 501, 500-B, and WTP.
We added auto-calculation options to Form 514 penalty and interest.

South Carolina

We modified print conditions for Form I-309 to ensure that the form only prints when selected in the federal partner Organizer.


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