1065 Partnership 23-4F


Pending releases

Release date: 3/22/2024
Form 7205
, Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction is pending release.
We released an excel template for
Form 1042
.  The excel template uses the Tax Return Import method and an API call to complete the import.
You must have a license for Data Connection to use that feature to import. Contact a sales representative for activation.
You can download the templates for 1120 and 1065 on the File downloads page.
1040 and 1041 filers can use either the 1120 or 1065 tax application to e-file the forms as long as you have an EIN number. The IRS doesn’t support SSNs in those schemas for the withholding agent.


Form AR1100, Page 4, Section C, line 3 is still pending.


Form 1065XN is pending development.


Form OR-QUP-CAT is pending release.


We corrected issues on
related to Page 5, Part V, line 23.
We updated print for
Form 8879-WH
Part III ERO signature.
We included the Officer PIN in the
Form 1042
e-file XML.
We released an excel template for
Form 1042
import and API. The templates will be available for download from our File downloads page.


We revised the logic to populate Form EPT, Page 1, Line 5d from Form CPT-B, line 3.
We updated Form 65 to prevent e-file reject 9501.


We corrected the standard deduction on Form 140NR.


We updated the PTE estimate voucher ScanCode and fiscal year ending field.
We repaired the e-file schema for Schedule K-1, lines 14 through 20.


We updated the print for Form 568, Side 6, Schedule L, Column D, line 7a.
We corrected the calculation for Form 568, Side 5, Schedule K, line 13a.


We remapped the e-file for Schedule K-1, lines 57 through 72 to correct various issues with element ordering and transfer of data.


We revised the print for the Federal 1065 copy.
We updated organizer input for Schedule M, line 35, and revised the Schedule M, Line 40 formula.
We revised the calculation for IL1065, Page 3, line 67.


We reprogrammed Form IT-65, line 6a to transfer data from the updated total composite field.


We addressed various print issues on Form K-120S, Parts III and IV.
We addressed various print issues on Forms K-120ES and K-9.
We corrected the print for the LC 50 Annual Report.


We included Form 740PTET Amount Due in the Letters and Filing Instructions.

Kentucky Cities

We added hyperlinks to the Kenton County ACC1.


We revised Form 1040C-ME, Schedule 1 List of Owners to include partners who were previously omitted.


We added Schedule K-1, line 14zz to print.


We improved the logic for Schedule K-1, Section 5, line 1 NR entities.


We revised the Schedule II Column C and Schedule PTET Column C calculation for percent of income.

New Jersey

We revised the e-file schema to prevent NJ-NR-A ZIP Code validation errors for taxpayers with foreign addresses.

New Mexico

We updated the application programming to prevent “Only one type of e-file” error diagnostics.

North Carolina

We improved the logic on the NCK-1 Beneficial Disregarded Entity checkbox to prevent non-activation.
We added a special allocation function for Personal Services Income.
We changed formulas and organizer dropdown menus to prevent validation errors for tax-exempt partners.

Ohio Cities

We modified the organizer hyperlink on the 1st Quarter estimate of the Cincinnati Business Return.


We corrected the Partner ID on Form 514-PT.


We removed protection from the organizer field for Surplus Tax Credit.
We added a partner detail workpaper for OR-21-MD-PT.


We added the checkbox for “Included on PA-40 NRC Return” on Schedule NRK-1.
We remapped the print for Schedule KOZ year.

South Carolina

We restored the e-file delete function for the South Carolina extension.

West Virginia

We altered the calculation for Form IT-140NRC, line 3.


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