Transaction Editors

TransEditors, or transaction editors, are customizable rules that modify XML input to get a desired tax result.


TransEditors have one or more conditional statements, which determine whether one or more actions are applied during transaction processing. TransEditors can help resolve potential data issues without requiring you to modify data in your business source system. You can use TransEditors to populate input XML elements for a transaction, or to modify or delete XML elements before Determination calculates the tax for a transaction.
Using a TransEditor, you can:
  • Specify the value for an XML element that's not directly passed in by your business source system. For example, a TransEditor can populate a customer's zip+4-digit code, which wasn't supplied by your business source system.
  • Use the values of multiple XML elements to derive the value of another XML element. For example, a TransEditor can evaluate custom field values for a cost center and a project ID to determine the end use of a product.
  • Override the value of an XML element based on the values for other XML elements. For example, a TransEditor can evaluate a ship-to state, product code, and customer number then substitute a different product code when the value match.

Rule qualifiers and lookup lists

TransEditors modify the transaction data in the XML input sent from your business source system. Rule qualifiers, however, include specific conditions (referred to as rule qualifier types) that must be met before a rate or fee for an authority's applied to a transaction. If you want to fine tune your tax rules to specific transaction scenarios or if a transaction scenario applies to only 1 authority, a best practice is to configure and use rule qualifiers rather than TransEditors.
A lookup list's a user-defined list of values used to drive tax calculation results (for example, triggering a rate or applying an exemption). Lookup lists may include account codes, product IDs, locations, customers, vendors, or anything you want to process in the same way. Using a lookup list can help you organize and process similar data values. Lookup lists can reduce the number of TransEditors and rule qualifiers you need to create.

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