About the Install and Tax Product pages in the tax engine

The tax engine implementer runs during installation or tax engine upgrade. It creates the database table structure the tax engine utilizes for both configuration (sbxtax) and audit (sbxaud) database shemas.
Once the installer completes, the web browser gets re-directed to the Tax Product page.
  • Tax engine installer URL: http://<server_name>:<port_number>/sabrix/install
  • Tax product URL: http://<server_name>:<port_number>/sabrix/taxproduct
The Tax Product page is a static HTML page that queries, returns and displays information about the database environment on which the tax engine is deployed.
Information this page displays includes:
  • Database vendor/version
  • Database driver version
  • JDBC connection URL
  • User names for both the Tax and Audit schemas in the database
  • Tax engine version installed
  • Tax engine version to be installed (in case of an upgrade)