Resources in Practical Law

Find out about the up-to-date resources maintained by Practical Law's attorney-editors, which can help you complete your work with efficiency, accuracy, and confidence.
Practice Notes
Use Practice Notes to learn about unfamiliar areas of law or transactions. Practice Notes take different forms. Some give a broad overview of a subject, others delve into detailed information on a single topic.
Standard Documents and Clauses
Use Standard Documents and Standard Clauses to draft contracts, agreements, policies, settlement agreements, and discovery requests. These templates provide a starting point to help you create an initial draft. They include notes with drafting insights from attorney-editors.
The step-by-step instructions in Checklists can help you to make sure you address all the relevant issues at the beginning or conclusion of a project. Checklists also take other forms such as timelines, flowcharts, tables, and decision trees.
Toolkits provide links to information about a subject so that you quickly understand new overviews, explanations of current laws and practices, document templates, articles, and checklists on legal topics or issues.
Legal Updates
Legal Updates are summaries and analyses of current and trending legal issues written by
Practical Law
's attorney-editors.
State Q&A
Use State Q&A to find answers to state law questions and compare laws across multiple jurisdictions.
What's Market
Search, review, and compare summaries of recent deals, filings, and court documents to keep up to date with trends and market practice.
Global Guides and Cross-Border Topics
Use Global Guides and Cross-Border Topics to get Q&As and articles on topics such as Employment and Commercial Transactions that are specific to different jurisdictions.

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