Search within your favorites

Get more relevant search results, fast. Use Favorites with the Search bar to limit your search results to Practice Areas, Topics, Sectors, Subsectors, or Resource types of your choice.
Before you can search within
, you'll need to have added at least one Practice Area, Topic, Sector, Subsector, or resource type to your
  1. On any
    Practical Law
    page, select
    from the toolbar.
    Your Favorites and Frequently Used Items are shown, and the
    Search bar
    is updated to search within your Selected Favorites.
  2. Mark the checkboxes to select the Favorites you want to search within, such as Groups of Favorites, individual Favorites, or Frequently Used Items.
  3. tip
    If you mark several Favorites to make a complex search criteria that you're likely to reuse, add them to a Group of Favorites. The next time you want to search within this Group of Favorites, you'll only need to mark a single checkbox.
  4. Select the
    button on the
    Search bar

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