F1040NR-020 e-file error

Form 1040NR, 'WithholdingTxFrom1042SAmt' must be equal to the sum of the following: [(1) all Forms 1042-S, 'TotalTaxWithholdingCreditAmt' and (2) all Forms RRB 1042-S, 'FederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt' and (3) all Forms SSA 1042-S, ('NetTaxWithheldAmt' if it has a non-zero value, otherwise 'FederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt')]. ( rule F1040NR-020)


  1. Review line 25 of Form 1040NR.
  2. If the withholding is from 25e-g, complete the necessary forms in the Non Calculating folder.
  3. Recreate and retransmit the return.


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